Art Web Lessons
 Art Lesson Plans and Curriculum Ideas for Elementary School
**See and feel the difference

◆総合の学習はこちらIntegrated Lesson Plans for Elementary School
1年生 1st Graders
2年生 2nd Graders
3年生 3rd Graders
4年生 4th Graders
5年生 5th Graders
6年生 6th Graders
Period for Integrated Study
4年 森の神 God in woods /Grade 4 展覧会Exhibition
全校活動All the school activity
図工eラーニングArt e-Learning 学校美術館 STUDENT ART GALLERIES 

1年 1st Graders

2年 2nd Graders

3年 3rd Graders


4年 4th Graders

5年 5th Graders


The toy model
Glade 5

 6年 6th Graders

 Art Lessons for free! Click the lesson to go to the page:


全校活動All the school activity


6年 木工作(もっこうさく)Wooden craft 図工の年間計画Curriculum Ideas

Year Lesson-Plans

Period for Integrated Study


Incredible Art Lesson Plans[The Incredible Art Department]相互リンク

<教師用>美術教育と総合的な学習の時間Art Lessons and Ideas for Teachers

授業案提出/Art Lesson Plansインターネット交換授業Internet Exchang Lessons               

 図工の学力The Art Education Program

図工は総合する表現学力Expression academic ability to synthesize
■In an art education program, learning about art creation would occur not by isolating the content of each discipline, but by relating and integrating content of all the subjects.

図工は主体的な思考力Independent thinking ability

■In order for an activity to be creative, the student must be actively engaged in a critical thinking process. The student will learn where ideas come from, and how ideas can be developed and transformed. Reflection, both ongoing and summative, is an essential part of the creative process and allows students to evaluate their own growth in their creative endeavours.

図工は自己評価力Self-valuation ability

■The student will learn where ideas come from, and how ideas can be developed and transformed. Reflection, both ongoing and resultant, is an essential part of the creative process and allows students to evaluate their own growth in their creative endeavours. summate

図工は視覚的な学力Visual academic ability
■Through experiences that provide opportunities for children to express themselves visually, they can learn how to use materials and visual concepts to convey their own ideas and feelings.

Written by Makio Kawashima
Last updated on 2/16/2025