図画工作科実践事例/Art Lesson Plan
Pottery Lesson Plan
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6th Grade
A.活動名/Activity Name
[焼き締め花器 Yakishime Pottery Vase]
Yakishime pottery was unglazed, natural beauty.
Bizen pottery doesn't use Uwagusuri(-=also called Yu-yaku). This Uwagusuri
means glaze in English. Many of Japanese potteries such as Arita pottery(Saga-prefecrure,
Japan)use glaze(including paintings such as trees, flowers, and the like)on
the surface of potteries. However Bizen pottery doesn't use this.
Yakishime:Unglazed porcelain or earthenware that has been fired only once.
<備前焼Bizen pottery>
A−1 図画工作科/Drawing and Handicrafts(文部省英訳)
a表現(1)造形活動/Formative activity○(2)絵,立体,つくりたいもの/Expression and Creativity
○b 鑑賞/Appreciation
A−2 総合的な学習の時間/Period for Integrated Study
a. 国際理解/International Understanding b. 情報/Information c. 環境/ Environment
d.福祉・健康/Welfare&Health e. 地域や学校の特色/Characteristic of region and school
f.児童の興味・関心/Interest of children
B.実施日/Date 「2002年9月 September, 2002」
C.学校名/School Name「東京都江戸川区立宇喜田小学校 Ukita Elementary School」
D.学年/Grade Level(s) 「6年生6th Graders」
E.先生/Teacher in charge Mr.Makio Kawashima
F.時間数/Class Hour 「2」時間Hour
G.場所/Place 「at Art room 」
H.題材について・主なねらい/The subject matter, Main Aim
○〔図画工作科第5,6学年 A表現(1)ア 表したいことを表すために,形や色,材料の特徴や構成の美しさなどの感じ,つくるものの用途などを考えるとともに,表し方を構想し計画して,創造的な技能などを生かして表現する。
○〔図画工作科第5,6学年 B鑑賞(1)我が国や諸外国の親しみのある美術,暮らしの中の作品などのよさや美しさ,表現の意図などに関心をもって鑑賞すること。
OBJECTIVES:The students will learn the techniques of pottery. The students will learn about the different types of Japan vases. The students will create their own Pottery Vase. Appreciation for develop an understanding of pottery vase and character of clay.
The students will learn about pottery in regards to style.
The teacher will demonstrate the process of coiling in order for the students to begin creating their vase.
The student construct their vase using the clay provided by the teacher.
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平成16年度 6年生作品 6th Grade 2004 |
The students will be evaluated on the success and creativity of their own vase, personal growth, knowledge obtained throughout the lesson, and overall performance.
○信楽赤粘土pottery clay (Shigaraki red clay) 1s
○粘土板、延べ棒、粘土べらmodeling tools
○ビニール袋plastic bags
○型紙Paper pattern