実践事例/Art and Integrated Lesson Plan
A.学習活動名/Lesson Title
Environment Design"Automobile Production"
「世界はクルマで変えられる。」"Mobility can change the world."
Lesson Overview:
The automobile brought about many safety and health concerns.This Lesson
address to environmental problems and automobile safety designs.
There were many environmentally types of automobile ideas and designs. This lesson will look at some of these designs that save the earth and produce a ecology-conscious car.
Students will sharpen their research skills, become more aware consumers and develop creativity as they design their own advertisement.
The students will be able to use critical thinking skills and creativity to create an automobile advertisement.
Step3. 粘土の模型"Clay Model"
Subject Area:○
A−1 ○図画工作科/Drawing and Handicrafts[Art Lesson]
a表現(1)造形活動/Art Project○(2)絵,立体,つくりたいもの/Expression and Creativity
b 鑑賞/Appreciation
A−2 ○総合的な学習の時間/Period for Integrated Study[Integrated Lesson]
a.国際理解/International Understanding○b.情報/Information○c.環境/Environment
○d.福祉・健康/Welfare&Health○e.地域や学校の特色/Distinctive Education
f.児童の興味・関心/Children's Own Interests
B.実施日 2002年10月9日Date: 9/10/02
C.学校名「東京都江戸川区立宇喜田小学校」School:Ukita Elementary School
D.学年 6年 Grade Level:6th
E.先生 Teacher in charge Mr.Makio Kawashima
F.授業の日数(日):3〜4日 時間数(5時間)45分授業
Lesson Length (Days):3to4 5Hours:[45-minute class periods]
G.場所/Place at「図工室とパソコン室 Art room & Computer room」
H.主なねらい/Lesson Objectives:
2. Teach students to understand the characteristics and qualities of art materials; allow them to work using their imaginations to portray themes; and give them opportunities to develop a sense of aesthetics, creative expression artistic design and construction.
The "Period for Integrated Study" aims at helping children develop capability and ability to discover problems by themselves and solve those problems properly. I
Help the student to find in his/her own art piece the uniqueness of expression, so that he/she may deepen their art sensitivities and artistic view point.
[Response to the information-oriented society]
Demonstrates ability to gather information from various sources to plan a project.
Students will use the Internet to research a chosen automobile.
インターネット情報:Suggested websites:
『日本自動車工業会』Japan Automobile Manufacturers Associationhttp://www.jama.or.jp/index.html
『東京モーターショー TOKYO MOTOR SHOW』http://www.tokyo-motorshow.com/
Step4. 宣伝ポスター"Advertisment"
I.学習過程/Lesson Activities[Procedures]:
Students will gather information from various sources to plan a new project.
Students will use the Internet to find pictures and to gather information.
Students will create individual drawer designs.
Students will research a selected automobile on the Internet.
The student will be able to use the Internet to research a chosen automobile.
The students must design on 1 car and make 1 clay model and create 1 advertisment.
The CG poster should include a picture of the car with a computer.
The students will use the information they found to create an computer
graphics advertisment about the automobile.
Then the students will advertise a new automobile product in the school.
The students will compare their product from the exhibition.
Step1. Planning(仮説/解決のプラン)
Step2. Rendering(実行計画/構想)
Step3. Model Making(行動/創作/検証)
Step4. Display and Assessment(展示/評価)
Step4. コンピュータ広告"Computer Ggraphics advertisme"
J.支援・評価/Support,Evaluation Procedure:
Assessment Strategies
評価基準: Evaluation Procedure:
J-1図画工作科Art Lesson
教師評価 3段階:3 Point Scale
1 points- Work shows little effort or individuality.
2.points- Work shows effort to complete assignment and follow directions but little originality
3.points - Excellent effort displayed during work and shows creative expression and technique.
J-2 「総合的な学習の時間」"Period for Integrated Study"
Communicating Assessment Information
評価観点:Assessment Matrix
1.ability to discover problems by themselves.
2.ability to judge and solve those problems properly.
3. learn how to learn and research.
4.use their knowledge and skills comprehensively in daily life.
creatively cope with their own way of life.
5.評価:身に付いた力「 」
5.acquired the "zest for living" such as ability to learn and think independently.
The students will be evaluated on the success and creativity of their "Automobile Productions", personal growth, knowledge obtained throughout the lesson, and overall performance.
Student materials for note-taking (pen, paper, etc.)
art supplies for ad creations
examples of different types of advertising
○紙粘土 clay
○粘土板、粘土べらmodeling tools
Internet connection for on-line research
computer software for computer-aided design: HYPER CUBE Net
Color printer
Online Resources:インターネットの参照授業
The Automobile:https://hti.osu.edu/history-lesson-plans/united-states-history/the-automobile
Automobile History(アメリカ):
Automobile Advertisements:
School Art Sites/この学習は外国からリンクされています。
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実践事例/Integrated Lesson Plan
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