Fri Jun 01 23:46:04 JST 2012
SQL Develper は Java 製なので、FreeBSD でも入れただけで動く。 動く、というところまで確認しておいて使ってなかったもんだから、 起動方法を忘れていた。bash を使わないといけないところがミソ。
% bash /opt/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin/sqldeveloper
しかしまぁ、なんで bash 依存にしたがるのだろうか。
Tue Jun 12 20:33:20 JST 2012
www/reviewboard という物体の存在を知った。入れてみた。上げ方がわからない。 試行錯誤の結果、データベースを作るところまではできた。
- mod_wsgi 入りの apache を用意する。
- ports でインストールする。
- デフォルトの TIME_ZONE を手動で調整する。
- 空のデータベースを作る。
- rb-site install でセットアップする。
- コンテンツの permission を調整し、web サーバに設定を統合する。
% mod_wsgi-2.8.tar.gz を入手して展開 % ./configure && make % su - # make install
# cd /usr/ports/www/reviewboard # make install
# cd /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ # cd ReviewBoard-1.6.6-py2.6.egg/reviewboard/ # vi TIME_ZONE = 'Etc/UTC'
# su - pgsql $ createdb reviewboard
# rb-site install /var/www # ls /var/www ls: /var/www: No such file or directory # rb-site install /var/www/hoge.local [!] Unable to create the /var/www/hoge.local directory. Make sure you're running as an administrator and that the directory does not contain any files. # mkdir /var/www/ # rb-site install /var/www/hoge.local * Welcome to the Review Board site installation wizard This will prepare a Review Board site installation in: /var/www/hoge.local We need to know a few things before we can prepare your site for installation. This will only take a few minutes. * Make sure you have the modules you need Depending on your installation, you may need certain Python modules and servers that are missing. If you need support for any of the following, you will need to install the necessary modules and restart the install. Databases (optional): * MySQL (MySQLdb) * What's the host name for this site? This should be the fully-qualified host name without the http://, port or path. Domain Name: hoge.xx.yy.zz * What URL path points to Review Board? Typically, Review Board exists at the root of a URL. For example, In this case, you would specify "/". However, if you want to listen to, say,, you can specify "/reviews/". Note that this is the path relative to the domain and should not include the domain name. The default is / Root Path [/]: /reviews/ * What URL will point to the media files? While most installations distribute media files on the same server as the rest of Review Board, some custom installs may instead have a separate server for this purpose. The default is media/ Media URL [media/]: media/ * What database type will you be using? You can type either the name or the number from the list below. (1) postgresql (2) sqlite3 (not supported for production use) Database Type: 1 * What database name should Review Board use? NOTE: You need to create this database and grant user modification rights before continuing. See your database documentation for more information. The default is reviewboard Database Name [reviewboard]: reviewboard * What is the database server's address? This should be specified in hostname:port form. The port is optional if you're using a standard port for the database type. The default is localhost Database Server [localhost]: localhost * What is the login and password for this database? This must be a user that has table creation and modification rights on the database you already specified. Database Username: psql Database Password: * What cache mechanism should be used? memcached is strongly recommended. Use it unless you have a good reason not to. You can type either the name or the number from the list below. (1) memcached (recommended) (2) file Cache Type: 1 * What memcached connection string should be used? This is generally in the format of memcached://hostname:port/ The default is memcached://localhost:11211/ Memcache Server [memcached://localhost:11211/]: * What web server will you be using? You can type either the name or the number from the list below. (1) apache (2) lighttpd Web Server: 1 * What Python loader module will you be using? Based on our experiences, we recommend using wsgi with Review Board. You can type either the name or the number from the list below. (1) wsgi (recommended) (2) fastcgi (3) modpython (no longer supported) Python Loader: wsgi * Create an administrator account To configure Review Board, you'll need an administrator account. It is advised to have one administrator and then use that account to grant administrator permissions to your personal user account. If you plan to use NIS or LDAP, use an account name other than your NIS/LDAP account so as to prevent conflicts. The default is admin Username [admin]: admin Password: E-Mail Address: hoge@xx.yy.zz
# chown -R daemon /var/www/hoge.local/htdocs/media/uploaded/ # chown -R daemon /var/www/hoge.local/data/ # view /var/www/hoge.local/conf/apache-wsgi.conf
Tue Jun 12 23:07:50 JST 2012
試しに CVS のモジュールを登録してみた。エラーになった。足掻いてみた。
# cd /var/www/hoge.local/htdocs/media # rm admin # ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin
が、どうにも妙だ。スタイルが当たっていないようだし。 何かのファイルセットが不整合になっている気配だ、というところで手詰り。 消して入れ直してみるかな。
Tue Jun 26 14:50:51 JST 2012
opera 12 を試してみた。 ダウンロードして、アーカイブを展開して、./install でインストーラを起動。 デフォルトのインストール先は、今まで通り、$HOME/.local/ だ。
起動 $HOME/.local/bin/opera アンインストール $HOME/.local/bin/uninstall-opera
実にわかりやすい。初回起動時は UELA に同意。で、とりあえず Google に繋いで kinput2 で日本語入力を試みる。残念。クラッシュした。さようなら。
そんなわけでまだ 10.10 だ。
Fri Jun 29 01:25:08 JST 2012
reviewboard は、どうにもうまく動いてくれない。放り出すことにした。
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