【February 25, 12:56 AM District Court Courtroom No. 9】
- ※ <再開後〜証言開始前> のとき:
- 【Damon Gant】
を [Present] 。
- - SL-9 Incident - -
- 証言者: [Gant]
- 「As I recall, Neil and I were questioning him that day.
To make a long story short, we slipped up. That power outage didn't help either.
When I went to my office, I found Lana there.
Apparently she had already.... "arranged" the crime scene.
As you can see, I had nothing to do with the "forgery."」
- ・Present
- 「As you can see, I had nothing to do with the "forgery."」
⇒【Unstable Jar】 または 【Evidence List】
- - Evidence & Forgery - -
- 証言者: [Gant]
- 「Let's see, what was it now? A jar fragment... and a list?
For all I know, you could have planted them in my office.
Anyway, you can't prove "when" those pieces of evidence
were discovered.
If they were found after Darke was convicted, then they're worthless.
There's no reason I'd participate in a forgery.
Pearranging the crime scene wouldn't help me out in any way.」
- ・Press
- 1. 「Pearranging the crime scene wouldn't help me out in any way.」
- ⇒『Pearranging the crime scene wouldn't help me out in any way.』
『I wouldn't be anyone's "accomplice" if there was nothing in it for me.』
- ・Press
- 1. 「I wouldn't be anyone's "accomplice" if there was nothing
in it for me.」
- ※その後、
選択肢:『Point out accomplice』
【Lana Skye】
を [Present] 。
- ※さらに その後、
【ID Card Record】 ⇒ 【Goodman's Lost Item Report】 ⇒ 【Screwdriver】
の順に [Present] 。
選択肢:『I have no proof yet』
【Lana Skye】
を [Present] 。