【September 5, 8:57 PM Fey & Co. Law Offices】
【September 5, 9:08 PM Fey & Co. Law Offices】
<<初期 Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Attorney's Badge
- ・Type: Other
- / One of my possessions.
- No one would believe I was a defense attorney if I didn't carry this.
- Mia Fey
- ・Age: 27
- ・Gender: Female
- Chief Attorney at Fey & Co..
- My boss, and a very good defense attorney.
- ・Move
- Office
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面左側 画面左:Mia Fey
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- The Thinker[追加]
- ・Type: Weapons
- / Retrieved at the Fey Law Office.
- The murder weapon.
- Looks like a statue, but it's actually a clock.
- Made by Larry Butz.
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Class Shards[追加]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved at the Fey Law Office.
- The broken remains of a glass light stand.
- Broken beyond all recognition.
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面左側 画面左下:紙切れ
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Receipt[追加]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved at the Fey Law Office.
- A department store receipt with letters written in blood on the back.
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面右側 画面中央:電話
- ・Move
- Fey & Co. Law Offices
【Fey & Co. Law Offices】
- ・Present
- Receipt
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Maya Fey[追加]
- ・Age: 17
- ・Gender: Female
- Mia's little sister.
- Found bent over her sister's body, crying.
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Dick Gumshoe[追加]
- ・Age: 30
- ・Gender: Male
- Detective at the local precinct.
- In charge of the initial investigation.
【September 6, 9:07 AM Detention Center Visitor's Room】
- ※Detention Center に やってきたとき:
- 選択肢:『It's up to you』 または 選択肢:『Of course I will』 または 選択肢:『Sorry, not a chance』
- ・Talk: [Maya]
- Maya
- ※Maya を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Spirit mediums』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Maya Fey[修正]
- ・Age: 17
- ・Gender: Female
- The defendant.
- Mia's little sister, and a spirit medium in training.
- ・Talk: [Maya]
- The day of the crime
- ※The day of the crime を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Your cell phone』
- ・Talk: [Maya]
- Your cell phone
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Maya's Memo[追加]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Maya Fey.
- "A conversation I had with my sister is recorded on my cell phone."
- ・Talk: [Maya]
- The day of the crime ⇒ Spirit mediums
- ※Spirit mediums を聞いたとき:
- 選択肢:『Accept』 または 選択肢:『Refuse』
- ・Move
- Fey & Co. Law Offices
【September 6 Fey & Co. Law Offices】
- ※Fey & Co. Law Offices に やってきたとき:
- 選択肢:『Detective Gumshoe』 または 選択肢:『Detective Suedeshoes』 または 選択肢:『Detective Gumtree』
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Mia
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Mia's Autopsy Report[追加]
- ・Type: Reports
- / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
- Time of death: 9/5 at 9:00 PM.
- Cause: single blunt force trauma.
- Death was instantaneous.
- Mia Fey[修正]
- ・Age: 27
- ・Gender: Female
- The victim.
- Chief attorney at Fey & Co. Law Offices, and on excellent defense lawyer.
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Maya
- ※Maya を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Edgeworth』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Miles Edgeworth[追加]
- ・Age: 24
- ・Gender: Male
- A gifted prosecutor, and a ruthless man who'd do anything to get a "guilty"
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Edgeworth
- ※Edgeworth を聞いたとき:
- 選択肢:『Of course I do!』 または 選択肢:『Of course not!』
- ・Present
- Maya's Memo
- ※Maya's Memo を [Present] したとき:
- 選択肢:『Tell him straight』 または 選択肢:『Tell him not-so-straight』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Maya's Memo[削除]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Maya Fey.
- "A conversation I had with my sister is recorded on my cell phone."
- Maya's Cell Phone[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
- Holds a conversation between the Chief and Maya.
- Touch the Check Button to listen.
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- April May[追加]
- ・Age: 23
- ・Gender: Female
- An eye witness to the events.
- Testifies that she saw Maya commit the murder.
- ・Move
- Gatewater Hotel
【September 6 Gatewater Hotel - Room 303】
- ・Examine
- 画面左:半開きの引き出し
- ・Talk: [April]
- What you witnessed ⇒ Miss May ⇒ This room
- ・Move
- Grossberg Law Offices
【Grossberg Law Offices】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Marvin Grossberg[追加]
- ・Age: 64
- ・Gender: Male
- A veteran defense attorney, and Mia's mentor.
- ・Talk: [Grossberg]
- Your refusal ⇒ Mia ⇒ That painting
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【September 6, 3:42 PM Detention Center Visitor's Room】
- ・Talk: [Maya]
- Your family
- ※Your family を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Your mother』
- ・Talk: [Maya]
- Your mother
- ※Your mother を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Your mother's enemy』
- ・Talk: [Maya]
- Your mather's enemy
- ※Your mather's enemy を聞いたあと:
- 選択肢:『Go home』 または 選択肢:『Defend Maya』
⇒ 選択肢:『I can't abandon you』 または 選択肢:『Someone else is the culprit』 または 選択肢:『I don't know why』
- ・Move
- Gatewater Hotel
【Gatewater Hotel - Room 303】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Bellboy[追加]
- ・Age: 26
- ・Gender: Male
- Bellboy at the Gatewater Hotel.
- ・Examine
- 画面左:半開きの引き出し
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Wiretap[追加]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved at the Gatewater Hotel.
- Found in Miss May's hotel room.