攻略_Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney [逆転裁判]

Episode 1「The First Turnabout」
Episode 2「Turnabout Sisters」
Episode 3「Turnabout Samurai」
Episode 4「Turnabout Goodbyes」
Episode 5「Rise from the Ashes」
Day 1 - Investigation
Day 2 - Trial Former
Day 2 - Trial Latter
Day 2 - Investigation
Day 3 - Trial Former
Day 3 - Trial Latter
│├ - - Day of the Crime - -
│├ - - Bloodstained Fingerprints - -
│└ - - Marshall's Confession - -
Day 3 - Investigation
Final Day - Trial Former
Final Day - Trial Latter
Final Day - Trial Latter 2
逆転裁判1 攻略ページへ!
逆転裁判2 攻略ページへ!
逆転裁判3 攻略ページへ!
逆転裁判4 攻略ページへ!
逆転検事 攻略ページへ!

 ■本サイト: Greenish area へ!



February 24, 12:14 PM District Court Courtroom No. 9
 - - Day of the Crime - -
証言者: [Marshall]
「My job was to keep a wary eye   on that bone orchard.
 They said I was supposed to   make rounds three times a day,   but that ain't my style.
 Besides, the room's protected   by two security systems,   anyway.
 If I remember right, I was at   a street-side saloon at the   time it went down.
 I'm just an innocent travelin'   man, so if you're out of ammo   it's time I hit the trail.」
「If I remember right, I was at   a street-side saloon at the   time it went down.」
「I'm just an innocent travelin'   man, so if you're out of ammo   it's time I hit the trail.」
【Marshall's Prints】
 - - Bloodstained Fingerprints - -
証言者: [Marshall]
「Like I said, it's only natural   for my fingerprints to be in   that evidence room.
 One of them just happened to   be at the same place as the   bloodstained handprint.
 The murderer touched the   locker where my fingerprint   was by chance.
 The bloodstain and the   fingerprint are completely   unrelated.
 Or didn't you know the   murderer was wearing gloves?
 See? I had nothingto do with   it.」
1. 「Like I said, it's only natural   for my fingerprints to be in   that evidence room.」
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Marshall's Prints[修正]
    ・Type: Evidence
    / Retrieved from the Evidence Room.
    1. found on a bloody handprint on Marshall's own locker.
    2. The print had been wiped.
1. 「Or didn't you know the   murderer was wearing gloves?」

『Too bad it was't me in that   video, right, pardner?』
1. 「Too bad it was't me in that   video, right, pardner?」
選択肢:『Show evidence』


 【Security Video】の、
4往復目 左側・画面左・下寄り:ロッカーから はみ出ている白いモノ
【Evidence Locker】 ⇒ 画面右上:『V』のマーク
 ⇒ 【Security Video】の、
3往復目 右側・画面中央・左寄り:犯人の右肩
 の順に [Present] 。
 - - Marshall's Confession - -
証言者: [Marshall]
「I had to do it that day. I   couldn't just stand by and let   it die.
 I stole the detective's ID and   dressed like him. I planned to   take out the evidence.
 I wasn't expecting Officer   Meekins. I knocked him out...
 and managed to escape. I knew   which areas wouldn't be caught   on the camera.
 There wasn't any murder in the   evidence room at 5:15.」
1. 「I had to do it that day. I   couldn't just stand by and let   it die.」
2. 「I stole the detective's ID and   dressed like him. I planned to   take out the evidence.」
3. 「I wasn't expecting Officer   Meekins. I knocked him out...」
4. 「and managed to escape. I knew   which areas wouldn't be caught   on the camera.」
5. 「There wasn't any murder in the   evidence room at 5:15.」

『I can't just forget the SL-9   Incident... You know why?』
「I can't just forget the SL-9   Incident... You know why?」
【SL-9 Incident Files】
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Neil Marshall[追加]
    ・Age: deceased
    ・Gender: Male
    1. Prosecutor murdered tow years ago in the SL-9 incident.
    2. Jake Marshall's brother.
選択肢:『I object!』 or 選択肢:『There's no problem!


【Blue Badger Panel】
 を [Present] 。
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Blue Badger Panel[修正]
    ・Type: Other
    / Retrived from the Police Department Entrance.
    1. Was allegedly dancing in the evidence room at the time of the murder at the P.D..
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Evidence Room Floorplans[更新]
    ・Type: Maps
    / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
    1. Scene od the stabbing of a detective at the P.D..
    2. Touch Check Button for details.
      『The Blue Badger』が書き加わる。)
※さらに その後、
【ID Card Record】
 を [Present] 。
Episode 5「Rise from the Ashes」
Day 3 - Investigation へ!


【逆転裁判 徹底攻略!】