【December 25, 10:08 AM Wright & Co. Law Offices】
<<初期 Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Attorney's Badge
- ・Type: Other
- / One of my possessions.
- No one would believe I was a defense attorney if I didn't carry this.
- Maya Fey
- ・Age: 17
- ・Gender: Female
- Mia's little sister.
- Currently training to become a spirit medium.
- Miles Edgeworth
- ・Age: 24
- ・Gender: Male
- A gifted prosecutor, and a ruthless man who'd do anything to get a "guilty"
- Dick Gumshoe
- ・Age: 30
- ・Gender: Male
- Detective at the local precinct.
- In charge of the initial investigation.
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【December 25 Detention Center Visitor's Room】
- ・Talk: [Edgeworth]
- What happened ⇒ Gourd Lake
- ・Present
- Attorney's Badge
- ※Attorney's Badge を [Present] したあと:
- [Talk] に、『Did you do it』
- ・Talk: [Edgeworth]
- Did you do it
- ・Move
- Gourd Lake Entrance
【December 25 Gourd Lake Park Entrance】
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- What happened
- ※What happened を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『The witness』
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Edgeworth ⇒ Defense request ⇒ The witness
- ※The witness を聞いたあと:
- 選択肢:『The autopsy report』 または 選択肢:『How to get in touch with you』
- ・Move
- Gourd Lake Public Beach
【December 25 Gourd Lake Public Beach】
- ・Examine
- 画面下・右寄り:ベンチの上のクラッカー
- ※ベンチの上のクラッカー を [Examine] したとき:
- 選択肢:『Take it』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Popper[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from the Gourd Lake Public Beach.
- A classic party noisemaker.
- Pull the string, it goes "bang."
- Not very clue-worthy.
- ・Move
- Gourd Lake Woods
【December 25 Gourd Lake Woods】
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面左側 画面中央・右寄り:マイクとカメラ
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Popper[削除]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from the Gourd Lake Public Beach.
- A classic party noisemaker.
- Pull the string, it goes "bang."
- Not very clue-worthy.
- ・Present
- Attorney's Badge
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Lotta Hart[追加]
- ・Age: 22
- ・Gender: Female
- Claims to be a research student.
- She's camped out to photograph shooting stars.
- ・Talk: [Lotta]
- What happened
- ※What happened を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『The camera』
- ・Talk: [Lotta]
- Lotta ⇒ The camera
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Lotta's Camera[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from the Gourd Lake Woods.
- Set to automatically take a picture when a loud noise is detected.
- Faces the lake.
- ・Present
- Lotta's Camera
- ・Move
- Gourd Lake Public Beach ⇒ Gourd Lake Entrance ⇒ Criminal Affairs
【December 25 Police Department Criminal Affairs】
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- The victim ⇒ The meeting
- ※The meeting を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Trusting Edgeworth』
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Trusting Edgeworth
- ※Trusting Edgeworth を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『The autopsy report』
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- The autopsy report
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Autopsy Report[追加]
- ・Type: Report
- / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
- Time of death: sometime on the 24th or 25th.
- Cause: one bullet shot to the heart.
- ・Move
- Wright & Co. Law Offices
【Wright & Co. Law Offices】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Marvin Grossberg[追加]
- ・Age: 64
- ・Gender: Male
- A veteran defense attorney, and Mia's mentor.
- ・Move
- Gourd Lake Entrance ⇒ Gourd Lake Public Beach ⇒ Gourd Lake Woods
【December 25 Gourd Lake Woods】
- ※Gourd Lake Woods にやってきたとき:
- 選択肢:『I reckon so』 または 選択肢:『I reckon no』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Lake Photo[追加]
- ・Type: Photographs
- / Received from Lotta Hart.
- Taken automatically on 12/25 at 12:15 AM.
- Touch the Check Button to view.
- ・Move
- Gourd Lake Public Beach
【December 25 Gourd Lake Public Beach】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Larry Butz[追加]
- ・Age: 23
- ・Gender: Male
- A friend and former classmate.
- Also my furst client.
- Often the cause of trouble.
- ・Talk: [Butz]
- What happened
- ※What happened を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Edgeworth』
- ・Talk: [Butz]
- Samurai Dogs
- ※Samurai Dogs を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Gourdy』
- ・Talk: [Butz]
- Egheworth ⇒ Gourdy
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Gourdy Article[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from Larry Butz.
- Article about a monster sighted at Gourd Lake.
- Touch the Check Button to view.
- ・Move
- Gourd Lake Entrance ⇒ Wright & Co. Law Offices (または Detention
⇒ Grossberg Law Offices
【December 25 Grossberg Law Offices】
- ・Talk: [Grossberg]
- What happened ⇒ That painting
- ・Present
- Autopsy Report
- ※Autopsy Report を [Present] したあと:
- [Talk] に、『Robert Hammond』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Autopsy Report ⇒ Robert's Autopsy Report[修正]
- ・Type: Report
- / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
- Time of death: sometime on the 24th or 25th.
- Cause: one bullet shot to the heart.
- ・Talk: [Grossberg]
- Robert Hammond
- ※Robert Hammond を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『The DL6 Incident』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Robert Hammond[追加]
- ・Age: 48
- ・Gender: Male
- The victim in this case.
- Also, the defense attorney in the DL-6 Incident.
- ・Talk: [Grossberg]
- The DL6 Incident
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Misty Fey's Photo[追加]
- ・Type: Photographs
- / Received from Marvin Glossberg.
- An old photograph.
- "DL-6 Incident - Exhibit A" is written on the back.
- Misty Fey[追加]
- ・Age: 46
- ・Gender: Female
- Mia and Maya's mother, and a spirit medium.
- Disappeared after the DL-6 Incident.
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【December 25 Detention Center Visitor's Room】
- ・Present
- Misty Fey's Photo
- ※Misty Fey's Photo を [Present] したあと:
- [Talk] の『What happened』『Gourd Lake』が、
『The DL6 Incident』に変わる。
- ・Talk: [Edgeworth]
- The DL6 Incident
- ※The DL6 Incident を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『The suspect』『Your father』
- ・Talk: [Edgeworth]
- The suspect ⇒ Your father
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Gregory Edgeworth[追加]
- ・Age: deceased
- ・Gender: Male
- Victim in the DL-6 Incident, 15 years ago.
- A defense attorney and Miles's father.
- ・Present
- Lake Photo
- ※Lake Photo を [Present] したあと:
- 選択肢:『Of course we will』 または 選択肢:『Of course we won't』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Edheworth's Request[追加]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Miles Edgeworth.
- Document proving Edgeworth's request for an attorney.
- ・Move
- Criminal Affairs Dept.
【December 25 Police Department Criminal Affairs】
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Lotta's testimony ⇒ Tomorrow's trial ⇒ Edgeworth
- ・Present
- Edgeworth's Request
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Edheworth's Request[削除]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Miles Edgeworth.
- Document proving Edgeworth's request for an attorney.