【October 19, 3:27 PM Wright & Co. Law Offices】
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【October 19 Detention Center Visitor's Room】
- ・Talk: [Will]
- Producer Vasquez ⇒ Director Manella ⇒ Mr. Hammer
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【October 19 Global Studios Main Gate】
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Producer Vasquez ⇒ Director Manella ⇒ Mr. Hammer
- ・Move
- Employee Area
【October 19 Global Studios Employee Area】
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- The plate
- ※The plate を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] の『The plate』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Steak Plate[追加]
- ・Type: Evidance
- / Retrieved from the Employee Area.
- Found in the employee area.
- On it are traces of sleeping pills and a large bone.
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- The investigation ⇒ Prosecutor Edgeworth
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Empty Bottle ⇒ Sleeping Pill Bottle[修正]
- ・Type: Evidance
- / Retrieved from the Employee Area.
- Found on a table in the employee area.
- Bears Jack Hammer's fingerprints.
- ・Move
- Dressing Room
【Grobal Studios Dressing Room】
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- Mr. Hammer
- ※Mr. Hammer について聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Five years ago』
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- The last episode
- ※最終回 について聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Studio policy』
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- Studio policy
- ※Studio policy を聞いたとき:
- 【"Pach to Glory"】
を [Present] 。
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- Five years ago
- ・Move
- Employee Area ⇒ Studio - Main Gate
【Global Studios Main Gate】
- ※Global Studio - Main Gate にやってきたとき:
- [Talk] に、『Five years ago』
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Five years ago
- ※Five years ago を聞いたとき:
- 選択肢:『I have proof』
<ポイント1> 【Sleeping Pill Bottle】 または 【Steak Plate】
⇒ 【<ポイント2> で選ばなかった、もう1つの証拠】
の順に [Present] 。
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Five-Year-Old Photo[追加]
- ・Type: Photographs
- / Received from Wendy Oldbag.
- Shows an accident involving Jack Hammer.
- Touch the Check Button to view.
- ・Move
- Outside Studio One
【October 19 Studio One Entrance】
- ・Move
- Outside Studio Two
【October 19 Studio One Entrance】
- ・Talk: [Vasquez]
- Mr. Hammer ⇒ Will Powers ⇒ Director Manella
- ・Present
- Five-Yaer-Old Photo
- ・Move
- Trailer
【Studio Two Trailer】 |