Dear School Principal:学校長様 |
The International Child Art Foundation invites your school to participate in a unique learning experience for your students.
The Arts Olympiad begins with structured lesson plans in classrooms worldwide, leads to school art competitions, and culminates in the World Children’s Festival in Washington, DC in June 2011.
The attached Arts Olympiad Lesson Plan for 8- to 12-year-old students requires collaboration between the art teacher and the physical education instructor, so they can break old stereotypes by introducing students to the “artist athlete” ideal of a creative mind and healthy body.
●8才から12才までの学生のためのレッスン・プランは、学生が図工の先生と体育教師との共同作業を必要とするので、彼らは健康体 と想像力を持ち備えた運動選手兼芸術家の理想を紹介することによって、古い固定観念を破ることができます。
The schoolteachers are requested to:教師へのお願い |
・Introduce students to the collective powers of Art and Sport in order to combine the empathy invoked by art and the team spirit instilled by sport to make a student realize the connection between mind and body;between one’s self and the surrounding world .
・Encourage students to create their own artworks interpreting the theme, My Favorite Sport [Each student can make an original painting/drawing and/or digital art on a real or imaginary sport] .
・ Use the artworks to encourage athletically inclined students to be creative and non-athletically inclined students (typically prone to obesity) to engage in their favorite physical activity .
・Organize an exhibition and form a distinguished jury to select one outstanding painting/drawing and/or one outstanding digital art, based on originality and creativity in addition to technical merit [Include yourstudents as judges to the extent possible]
・Mail your school’s entry or entries to the Art e-Learning Center by March 31, 2010

テーマ「私の好きなスポーツ」 |
千葉県市川市平田2−1−1 TEL:047−325−4384
○作品は丸めてもいいですが、出品表を裏にはってください。 |
○出品表は添付ファイルにしてください。 原文:Static visual work created using digital tools to imagine a sport, capture the image of a favorite sport, or a collage combining the two (300+ dpi)

From the entries received from your country, our panel of prominent artists and educators will select national winners in each of the two competition categories in July 2010.
If your student is a winner, then the student, his or her parents and you will be invited as your country’s Official Delegation to the 2011 World Children’s Festival.
●2010年日本アートオリンピック(国内)展覧会会場 『子どもの城』東京都渋谷区神宮前
At the festival you will be honored as a champion of children’s creativity and imagination.
The Arts Olympaid is a free program for your school and there is no fee for participation in the World Children’s Festival.
However, your school must raise funds from local sponsors to cover travel and hotel expenses for your delegation to the World Festival.
Please visit www.icaf.org for information on our previous Arts Olympiads and festivals.
You may be interested in our ChildArt quarterly magazine, a useful resource for teachers and an inspiration for students since 1998.
●是非1998年以来私たちの、教師にとって役に立つ情報、および学生のためにやる気をを起こさせる季刊雑誌(ChildArt quarterly magazine)に目を通してみてください。興味深い記事で一杯です。
We look forward to your participation.
Sincerely yours, Ashfaq Ishaq, Ph.D.Chairman
敬具 アスファグ イスハーク博士:会長