Sat Feb 02 16:31:16 JST 2013

ちょいと glassfish なるものを試してみようとしたのだけれど。

% cd /opt
% unzip
% cd glassfish3
% bin/asadmin create-domain domain1
Enter admin user name [Enter to accept default "admin" / no password]>
Domain domain1 already exists in /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains. Use a different domain name or the --domaindir option.
CLI130 Could not create domain, domain1
Command create-domain failed.
% bin/asadmin create-domain domain2
Enter admin user name [Enter to accept default "admin" / no password]>
Using default port 4848 for Admin.
Using default port 8080 for HTTP Instance.
Using default port 7676 for JMS.
Using default port 3700 for IIOP.
Using default port 8181 for HTTP_SSL.
Using default port 3820 for IIOP_SSL.
Using default port 3920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
Using default port 8686 for JMX_ADMIN.
Using default port 6666 for OSGI_SHELL.
Using default port 9009 for JAVA_DEBUGGER.
The file in given locale [ja_JP] at: [/opt/glassfish3/glassfish/lib/templates/locales/ja_JP/index.html] could not be found. Using default (en_US) index.html instead.
Distinguished Name of the self-signed X.509 Server Certificate is:
[CN=habanero,OU=GlassFish,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US]
Distinguished Name of the self-signed X.509 Server Certificate is:
[CN=habanero-instance,OU=GlassFish,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US]
No domain initializers found, bypassing customization step
Domain domain2 created.
Domain domain2 admin port is 4848.
Domain domain2 allows admin login as user "admin" with no password.
Command create-domain executed successfully.
% bin/asadmin enable-secure-admin
Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848]. Is the server up?
No such local command, enable-secure-admin. To run remote commands, start the application server (e.g. 'asadmin start-domain').
Command enable-secure-admin failed.
% netstat -na | grep 4848
% bin/asadmin start-domain domain2
Waiting for domain2 to start ........
Successfully started the domain : domain2
domain  Location: /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain2
Log File: /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain2/logs/server.log
Admin Port: 4848
Command start-domain executed successfully.
% bin/asadmin enable-secure-admin
remote failure: At least one admin user has an empty password, which secure admin does not permit. Use the change-admin-password command or the admin console to create non-empty passwords for admin accounts.
Command enable-secure-admin failed.
% : netstat -na | grep 4848
tcp4       0      0         TIME_WAIT
tcp4       0      0 *.4848                 *.*                    LISTEN
% tail -2 /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain2/logs/server.log
[#|2013-02-02T16:43:00.103+0900|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1.2|org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet|_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|PWC6117: File "/opt/glassfish3/glassfish/lib/install/applications/__admingui/login.jsp" not found|#]


Sat Feb 16 15:48:30 JST 2013

潰してよいマシンが手に入ったので、8.3 の RELEASE を焼いてみた。 cdrecord の使いかたを忘れていたので、メモ。

# cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord-ProDVD-ProBD-Clone 3.00 (i386-unknown-freebsd9.1) Copyright (C) 1995-20
10 Jg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
        1,0,0   100) '' '' '' NON CCS Disk
        1,1,0   101) *
        1,2,0   102) *
        1,3,0   103) *
        1,4,0   104) *
        1,5,0   105) *
        1,6,0   106) *
        1,7,0   107) *
        3,0,0   300) 'Optiarc ' 'DVD RW AD-7560S ' 'SX20' Removable CD-ROM
        3,1,0   301) *
        3,2,0   302) *
        3,3,0   303) *
        3,4,0   304) *
        3,5,0   305) *
        3,6,0   306) *
        3,7,0   307) *
# cdrecord dev=3,0,0 FreeBSD-8.3-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso


Sat Feb 16 16:05:37 JST 2013

NFS サーバの設定変更後、/etc/exports を編集したので …ハテ何するんだっけ?

  • /etc/rc.d/nfsserver restart …いや、違う。
  • /etc/rc.d/mountd restart …いや、これも違う。

正解は、mountd に kill -HUP でした。

Thu Feb 21 09:17:38 JST 2013

7310-CR3 に FreeBSD を投入。楽しい。

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