攻略_Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney Justice For All [逆転裁判2]

Episode 1「The Lost Turnabout」
Part 1-1: Trial
│├【September 8, 9:08 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 1】
│├ - - Decisive Evidence - -
│├ - - Dustin and Maggey - -
│└ - - Writing on the Ground - -
Part 1-2: Trial
Episode 2「????????」
Episode 3「????????」
Episode 4「????????」
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逆転裁判4 攻略ページへ!
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 ■本サイト: Greenish area へ!



September 8, 9:08 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 1

A few minites later... District Court Defendant Lobby No. 1
<<初期 Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Attorney's Badge
    ・Type: Other
    / One of my possessions.
    1. It's my all-important badge.
    2. It shows that I am a defense attorney.
  • Cell Phone
    ・Type: Other
    / One of my possessions.
    1. I found this my pocket, but I don't remember what it means or how it got there.
  • Dustin's Autopsy Report
    ・Type: Reports
    / Received during the preliminary hearing.
    1. Time of Death: 9/6 at 6:28 PM
    2. Cause: Broken neck.
    3. Body was also covered in bruises.
  • Glasses
    ・Type: Evidence
    / Received during the preliminary hearing.
    1. Found under the victim's body.
    2. Pices of near-sighted lenses were found nearby.
  • Maggey Byrde
    ・Age: 22
    ・Gender: Female
    1. My client.
    2. The only thing I can recall is that she's a policewoman.
  • Dustin Prince
    ・Age: 30
    ・Gender: Male
    1. The victim, and a policeman.
    2. It seems that he was dating the defendant, Maggey Byrde.

September 8, 10:00 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Winston Payne[追加]
    ・Age: 53
    ・Gender: Male
    1. The prosecutor for this case.
    2. Lacks presense.
    3. Generally bad at getting his points across.
※ <開廷後〜証言開始前> のとき:
選択肢:『Yes』 または 選択肢:『No』
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Dick Gumshoe[追加]
    ・Age: 31
    ・Gender: Male
    1. Detective at the local precinct.
    2. In charge of the initial investigaion.
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Crime Photo 1[追加]
    ・Type: Photographs
    / Submitted as ebidence by Prosecutor Payne.
    1. The victim fell from the walking path above.
    2. Touch the Check Button for details.


 - - Decisive Evidence - -
証言者: [Gumshoe]
「There's something even more   incriminating then the glasses   under the victim's body, sir.
 During his date, the victim   was pushed from the bench   area.
 But he managed to write the   cluprit's name on the ground   where he landed.
 I don't like saying it, but it   was clearly the defendant's   name, "Maggie", sir.
 With this piece of evidence   and the glasses, it's hard to   say she's not the culprit.」
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Crime Photo 2[追加]
    ・Type: Photographs
    / Submitted as ebidence by Prosecutor Payne.
    1. A photo of the area around the victim's hand.
    2. Touch the Check Button for details.
「But he managed to write the   cluprit's name on the ground   where he landed.」
「I don't like saying it, but it   was clearly the defendant's   name, "Maggie", sir.」
「With this piece of evidence   and the glasses, it's hard to   say she's not the culprit.」
【Maggey Byrde】
 - - Dustin and Maggey - -
証言者: [Gumshoe]
「Officer Prince and Officer   Byrde had been going out for   about half a year.
 It sounded like they were even   talking about marriage.
 The day of the incident just   happened to be the victim's   birthday, sir.
 Maggey... I mean, Officer   Byrde, had gotten Officer   Prince a present.
 It was something she had   gotten over 2 months ago.
 I should know, 'cause she   came to me to ask what she   should get for him.」
1. 「It was something she had   gotten over 2 months ago.」
選択肢:『Press further』 ⇒ 選択肢:『Of course it's relevant』
<<Evidence, Profiles>>
  • Baseball Glove[追加]
    ・Type: Evidence
    / Submitted as ebidence by Detective Gumshoe.
    1. A birthday present from Maggey to the victim.
    2. It was custom-made.
 - - Writing on the Ground - -
証言者: [Gumshoe]
「We first looked into the   handwriting, sir.
 Unfortunately, we couldn't   confirm that it was the   victim's handwriting.
 Next, we checked the victim's   pointer finger.
 We found that there was sand   trapped under the victim's   fingernail.
 There were also scratches on   the skin that were caused   by him writing on the ground.
 From this, we could confirm   that the victim wrote this   name with his right hand.」
「We first looked into the   handwriting.」
「Unfortunately, we couldn't   confirm that it was the   victim's handwriting.」
「Next, we checked the victim's   pointer finger.」
「We found that there was sand   trapped under the victim's   fingernail.」
「There were also scratches on   the skin that were caused   by him writing on the ground.」
「From this, we could confirm   that the victim wrote this   name with his right hand.」
【Baseball Glove】
Episode 1「The Lost Turnabout」
Part 1-2: Trial へ!


【逆転裁判2 徹底攻略!】