【December 28, 9:51 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 2】
【December 28, 10:00 AM District Court Courtroom No. 3】
- - Why I Left Court - -
- 証言者: [Uncle]
- 「Er, I'm really sorry about just leaving yesterday like I did.
But, I wasn't running away or nothing
I, uh, went to buy some food for Polly, see...
I figured I got nothing to do with this incident anyhow.
Er... I mean, I'd need one of those "motive" things, right?
And I don't got one.
So, my testimony yesterday stands as is.」
- ・Press
- 1. 「I figured I got nothing to do with this incident anyhow.」
2. 「Er... I mean, I'd need one of those "motive" things,
right? And I don't got one.」
- ※その後、
選択肢:『Yanni Yogi』 ⇒ 選択肢:『Yes, I'm doing it』 または 選択肢:『No, maybe not.』
- - Who Is Your Owner? - -
- 証言者: [Parrot]
- 「"..."
"Hello! Hello!" *squawk*
- ・Press
- 1. 「"Hello! Hello!" *squawk*」
- ※その後、
選択肢:『"What's your name?"』 ⇒ 選択肢:『Of course』
【DL-6 Case File】
を [Present] 。
選択肢:『"Suspect Data"』
- ・Press
- 1. 「"Hello! Hello!" *squawk*」
- ※その後、
選択肢:『What's the safe number?』 ⇒ 選択肢:『Actually, it does』
【DL-6 Case File】
を [Present] 。
選択肢:『"Case Summary"』
- ※さらに その後、
選択肢:『Raise an objection』 または 選択肢:『Leave it to Edgeworth』
【December 28, 2:24 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 2】
【December 28, 2:30 AM District Court Courtroom No. 3】
- - The DL-6 Incident - -
- 証言者: [Edgeworth]
- 「That day, I had gone to the courtroom to observe one of my father's
As we went to leave, an earthquake struck, trapping us in the elevator.
My father and Mr. Yogi lost their composure, and began to argue.
Just then, something heavy fell at my feet.
I picked it up, and threw it at Mr. Yogi. I wanted them to stop
A moment later, there was a single gunshot, then a scream.
It was a terrible scream. I remember it to this day.
That's all.」
- ・Present
- 「A moment later, there was a single gunshot, then a scream.」
⇒【DL-6 Incident Photo】
- ※その後、
を [Present] 。
選択肢:『Yes』 または 選択肢:『No』
【DL-6 Case File】
を [Present] 。
選択肢:『"Victim Data"』
- ※さらに その後、
選択肢:『No objections』 または 選択肢:『I have an objection』 ⇒ 選択肢:『The murderer didn't need it』
⇒ 選択肢:『Say it now』 または 選択肢:『Save it for a better time』
⇒ 選択肢:『It's impossible to prove』 または 選択肢:『Show evidence』
【Metal Detector】 ⇒ 【DL-6 Bullet】
の順に [Present] 。
【December 28, 5:38 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 2】
【December 29, 5:02 AM Wright & Co. Law Offices - Station】
- ※Station にて:
- 【
を [Present] 。