【October 14, 5:31 PM Wright & Co. Law Offices】
<<初期 Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Attorney's Badge
- ・Type: Other
- / One of my possessions.
- No one would believe I was a defense attorney if I didn't carry this.
- Maya Fey
- ・Age: 17
- ・Gender: Female
- Mia's little sister.
- Currently training to become a spirit medium.
- Miles Edgeworth
- ・Age: 24
- ・Gender: Male
- A gifted prosecutor, and a ruthless man who'd do anything to get a "guilty"
- Dick Gumshoe
- ・Age: 30
- ・Gender: Male
- Detective at the local precinct.
- In charge of the initial investigation.
【October 16, 8:14 AM Phoenix Wright's Bedroom】
【October 16, 9:22 AM Wright & Co. Law Offices】
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【October 16 Detention Center Visitor's Room】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Will Powers[追加]
- ・Age: 23
- ・Gender: Male
- The defendant.
- Action star who plays the title role in "The Steel Samurai" TV
- ・Talk: [Will]
- What happened
- ※What happened を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Powers's alibi』
- ・Talk: [Will]
- The Steel Samurai ⇒ Powers's alibi
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【October 16 Global Studios Main Gate】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Security Lady[追加]
- ・Age: ??
- ・Gender: Female
- Security guard at Global Studios.
- Claims she saw Powers heading to the scene.
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- The studios
- ※The studios を聞いたとき:
- [Talk] に、『Mr. Hammer』
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Will Powers
- ※Will Powers を聞いたとき:
- [Talk] に、『Reason for suspicion』
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Mr. Hammer
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Jack Hammer[追加]
- ・Age: 37
- ・Gender: Male
- The victim.
- A former big name action star.
- Played the role of the Evil Magistrate.
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Reason for suspicion
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【Detention Center Visitor's Room】
- ※Detention Center に やってきたとき:
- [Talk] の『What happened』『Powers's alibi』が、
『Your alibi』『The secrity lady』
- ・Talk: [Will]
- Your alibi ⇒ The secrity lady
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Powers's Letter[追加]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Will Powers.
- Document proving Will Powers's request for an attorney.
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【Global Studios Main Gate】
- ・Present
- Powers's Letter
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Powers's Letter[削除]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Will Powers.
- Document proving Will Powers's request for an attorney.
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Guidemap[追加]
- ・Type: Maps
- / Retrieved at the front entrance of the Studio.
- Guidemap to Global Studios.
- Touch the Check Button to view details.
- ・Move
- Outside Studio One
【October 16 Studio One Entrance】
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- The investigation
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Jack's Autopsy Report[追加]
- ・Type: Reports
- / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
- Time of death: 10/15 at 2:30 PM.
- Cause: Pierced through the chest by a spear.
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Reason for arrest ⇒ The security lady
- ※The security lady を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Decisive evidence』
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Decisive evidence
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【Global Studios Main Gate】
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Photographic proof
- ※Photographic proof を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Automatic camera』
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Reason for suspicion ⇒ Mr. Hammer ⇒ Automatic camera
- ・Move
- Employee Area
【October 16 Global Studios Employee Area】
- ・Move
- Dressing Room
【October 16 Global Studios Dressing Room】
- ・Examine
- 画面右下:カバン
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Cardkey[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from the Staff Room.
- Cardkey for studio employees.
- Grants entry into Studio One.
- ・Move
- Employee Area ⇒ Studio - Main Gate ⇒ Outside Studio One
【Studio One Entrance】
- ・Examine
- 画面右・上寄り:『1st』と描かれた青いゲート
- ・Move
- Inside Studio One
【October 16 Studio One】
- ・Examine
- 画面左:カメラ
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Assistant[追加]
- ・Age: 18
- ・Gender: Female
- Name: Penny Nichols.
- Assistant at Global Studios in charge of large props and set pieces.
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- The day of the crime ⇒ Will Powers
- ※Will Powers を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Sensing someone』
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- Sensing someone
- ・Move
- Outside Studio One
【Studio One Entrance】
- ・Examine
- 画面左上:自動カメラ
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【October 16 Global Studios Main Gate】
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- Assistant's claim
- ・Examine
- 画面左:コンピュータ
- ※コンピュータ を [Examine] したとき:
- 選択肢:『Try it』 ⇒ 選択肢:『ST1-307』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Powers's(?) Photo[追加]
- ・Type: Photographs
- / Retrieved at the front entrance of the Studio.
- Taken at the gate between the entrance and the studios.
- [Oct 15, 2:00 PM, Photo #2]