【February 22, 10:02 AM Wright & Co. Law Offices】
<<初期 Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Attorney's Badge
- ・Type: Other
- / One of my possessions.
- No one would believe I was a defense attorney if I didn't carry this.
- Miles Edgeworth
- ・Age: 24
- ・Gender: Male
- A gifted prosecutor, and a ruthless man who'd do anything to get a "guilty"
- Dick Gumshoe
- ・Age: 30
- ・Gender: Male
- Detective at the local precinct.
- In charge of the initial investigation.
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Ema Skye[追加]
- ・Age: 16
- ・Gender: Female
- High School Junior and self-styled scientific investigator.
- ・Talk: [Ema]
- Ema
- ※Ema を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Sci. Investigator』
- ・Talk: [Ema]
- The case
- ※The case を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Relation to Mia』
- ・Talk: [Ema]
- Sci. Investigator ⇒ Relation to Mia
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【February 22 Detention Center Visitor's Room】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Ema Skye[修正]
- ・Age: 16
- ・Gender: Female
- High School Junior and self-styled scientific investigator.
- Client, sister of Lana-Skye.
- Lana Skye[追加]
- ・Age: 29
- ・Gender: Female
- The defendant.
- Ema's sister, and Chief Prosecutor for the district.
- ・Talk: [Lana]
- The case ⇒ The victim ⇒ Lana
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Lana Skye[修正]
- ・Age: 29
- ・Gender: Female
- The defendant and Chief Prosecutor for the district.
- Wounded on her right hand.
- ※Lana を聞いたとき:
- [Talk] に、『Relation to Mia』
- ・Talk: [Lana]
- Relation to Mia
- ※Relation to Mia を聞いたあと:
- 自動的に、『Wright & Co. Law Offices』
【Wright & Co. Law Offices】
- ・Move
- Underground Parking Lot
【February 22 Prosecutor's Office Underground Parking Lot】
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面左側 画面中央・左下寄り:サイフ
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Wallet[追加]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved from the Underground Parking Lot..
- A classic party noisemaker.
- Pull the string, it goes "bang."
- Not very clue-worthy.
- ※サイフ を [Examine] したあと:
- 自動的に、【Wallet】の証拠詳細画面になる。
金色のボタン を、 [Examine] 。
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Wallet[削除]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved from the Underground Parking Lot.
- Unknown.
- Goodman's ID[追加]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved from the Underground Parking Lot.
- An incestigator's ID card.
- Found at Prosecutor's Office crime scene.
- (ID# 5842189)
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面右側: [Examine] ボタンが出てくる箇所の どれか
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Engel Starr[追加]
- ・Age: 31
- ・Gender: Female
- Mysterious lunchlady.
- Witness to the murder, know as the "Cough-Up Queen."
- ・Talk: [Angel]
- The case ⇒ What you witnessed
- ※What you witnessed を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Prosecutor's Office』
- ・Talk: [Angel]
- Angel ⇒ Prosecutor's Office
- ・Move
- High Prosecutor's Office
【February 22 High Prosecutor's Office Room 1202】
- ・Examine
- 画面左:『K』のトロフィー
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Prosecutor Trophy[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from the High Prosecutor's Office.
- Given to Edgeworth, King of Prosecutors, at the P.D. on the day of the murder.
- ・Talk: [Edgeworth]
- The case
- ※The case を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Lana Skye』
- ・Talk: [Edgeworth]
- Edgeworth ⇒ Lana Skye
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Edgeworth's Knife[追加]
- ・Type: Weapons
- / Retrieved from the Underground Parking Lot.
- The murder weapon, found in Edgeworth's toolbox.
- Traces of vixtim's blood.
- No prints.
- ・Present
- Prosecutor Trophy
- ※Prosecutor Trophy を [Present] したあと:
- [Talk] に、『The day of the crime』
- ・Talk: [Edgeworth]
- The day of the crime
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Parking Stub[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from Miles Edgeworth.
- Record of parking in the Prosecutor's Office lot.
- Entered lot at 5:12 PM.
- ・Move
- Underground Parking Lot ⇒ Police Dept. Entrance
【February 22 Police Department Entrance】
- ・Examine
- 画面中央・左下寄り:Blue Badger のパネル
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Blue Badger Panel[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrived from the Police Department Entrance.
- A "work of art" designed by the Head Detective and created by Detective Gumshoe.
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- The case ⇒ The investigation
- ・Present
- Goodman's ID
- ※Goodman's ID を [Present] したあと:
- [Talk] に、『Bruce Goodman』
- ・Present
- Prosecutor Trophy ⇒ Edgeworth's Knife または Parking Stub
- ※Prosecutor Trophy と Edgeworth's Knife または Parking Stub の2つを [Present] したあと:
- [Talk] に、『Rumors at law』
- ・Talk: [Gumshoe]
- Bruce Goodman ⇒ Rumors at law
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Letter of Introduction[追加]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
- Received from Detective Gumshoe.
- Allows bearer to investigate the crime scene.
- ・Move
- Underground Parking Lot
【February 22 Prosecutor's Office Underground Parking Lot】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Jake Marshall[追加]
- ・Age: 33
- ・Gender: Male
- A patrolman investigating the incident at the Prosecutor's Office.
- Thinks he's a cowboy.
- ・Present
- Letter of Introduction
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Letter of Introduction[削除]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Detective Dick Gumshoe.
- Received from Detective Gumshoe.
- Allows bearer to investigate the crime scene.
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面右側 画面左下:携帯電話
- ※携帯電話 を [Examine] したとき:
- 選択肢:『Check it out』
側面の青いボタン を、 [Examine] 。
携帯電話の発信ボタン(青いボタン) を、 [Examine] 。
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Cell Phone[追加]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved from the Underground Parking Lot.
- Proparty of Lana Skye.
- Last call made at 5:18 on the day of the murder.
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面右側 画面中央・左寄り:トランクの屋根
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Victim's Note[追加]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Retrieved from the Underground Parking Lot.
- Victim's memo found in the car trunk.
- Touch the Check Button for details.
- ・Talk: [Marchall]
- The victim
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Goodman's Autopsy Report[追加]
- ・Type: Reports
- / Received from Jake Marshall.
- Death due to loss of blood.
- One knife wound.
- Died within an hour and a half of 4 PM.
- ※The victim を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Lana Skye』
- ・Talk: [Marchall]
- Marshall ⇒ Lana Skye
- ※Lana Skye を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『Office atmosphere』
- ・Talk: [Marchall]
- Office atmosphere
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Cell Phone[修正]
- ・Type: Evidence
- / Retrieved from the Underground Parking Lot.
- Proparty of Lana Skye.
- Last call made to her sister Ema at 5:18 on the day of the murder.