【October 18 Wright & Co. Law Offices】
- ・Move
- Detention Center
【October 18 Detention Center Visitor's Room】
- ・Talk: [Will]
- The fanboy ⇒ The director
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【October 18, 2:16 PM Global Studios Main Gate】
- ・Move
- Employee Area
【October 18 Global Studios Employee Area】
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面左側 画面左下:ふさがれた排水口
- ※ふさがれた排水口 を [Examine] したとき:
- 選択肢:『Rip it open』
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【Global Studios Main Gate】
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- The studios ⇒ The fanboy ⇒ The director, et al.
- ・Move
- Outside Studio One
【October 18 Studio One Entrance】
- ・Move
- Outside Studio Two
【October 18 Studio Two Entrance】
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面左側 画面右下:テーブルの上
- ・Move
- Outside Studio One ⇒ Studio - Main Gate ⇒ Employee Area
⇒ Dressing Room
【Grobal Studios Dressing Room】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- The Director[追加]
- ・Age: 32
- ・Gender: Male
- Name: Sal Manella.
- Creator of "The Steel Samurai."
- Present on the day of the crime.
- ・Talk: [Manella]
- The day of the crime
- ※The day of the crime を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『The producer』『The bigwigs』
- ・Talk: [Manella]
- The producer ⇒ The bigwigs
- ・Move
- Employee Area ⇒ Studio - Main Gate
【Global Studio - Main Gate】
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- The fanboy ⇒ The director, et al.
- ・Move
- Employee Area
【Global Studios Employee Area】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Cody Hackins[追加]
- ・Age: 7
- ・Gender: Male
- A big fan of the Steel Samurai.
- Present at the studio on the day of the crime.
- ・Talk: [Cody]
- The Steel Samurai ⇒ What happened
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Empty Bottle[追加]
- ・Type: Evidance
- / Retrieved from the Employee Area.
- Found on a table in the employee area.
- The label reads "Sleeping Pills."
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【Grobal Studio - Main Gate】
- ・Examine
- 画面左:詰所の中
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Trailer Key[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved at the front entrance of the Studio.
- The key tag reads "Studio Two Trailer."
- ・Move
- Outside Studio One ⇒ Outside Studio Two
【Studio Two Entrance】
- ・Examine
- 2分割画面右側 画面右:コテージのドア
- ・Move
- Trailer
【October 18 Studio Two Trailer】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Dee Vasquez[追加]
- ・Age: 34
- ・Gender: Female
- High-ranking producer at Global Studios.
- Present on the day of the crime.
- ・Talk: [Vasquez]
- The day of the crime ⇒ The Steel Samurai ⇒ The director
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Vasquez's Memo[追加]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Dee Vasquez.
- The memo reads "Bring me the script for Episode 13."
- ・Move
- Outside Studio Two ⇒ Outside Studio One ⇒ Studio - Main Gate
⇒ Employee Area ⇒ Dressing Room
【Grobal Studios Dressing Room】
- ・Present
- Vesquez's Memo
- ・Move
- Employee Area ⇒ Studio - Main Gate ⇒ Outside Studio One
⇒ Inside Studio One
【Studio One】
- ・Examine
- 画面右・上寄り:イスの上
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Script[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from Studio One.
- A "Steel Samurai" script.
- The cover reads "Episode 13."
- ・Move
- Outside Studio One ⇒ Outside Studio Two ⇒ Trailer
【Studio Two Trailer】
- ・Present
- Script
- ※Script を [Present] したあと:
- [Talk] に、『The blocked path』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Vasquez's Memo[削除]
- ・Type: Documents
- / Received from Dee Vasquez.
- The memo reads "Bring me the script for Episode 13."
- Script[削除]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from Studio One.
- A "Steel Samurai" script.
- The cover reads "Episode 13."
- ・Talk: [Vasquez]
- The blocked path
- ※The blocked path を聞いたとき:
- 自動的に、『Outside Studio One』
【Outside Studio One】
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Mr. Monkey's Head[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved in front of Studio One.
- Blocked the path to the scene of the crime between 2:15 PM and 4:00 PM.
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate ⇒ Wright & Co. Law Offices
【October 18 Wright & Co. Law Offices】
- ・Move
- Studio - Main Gate
【October 18 Global Studios Main Gate】
- ・Talk: [Oldbag]
- The fanboy ⇒ The director, et al. ⇒ The "hostage"
- ・Present
- Cardkey
- ※Cardkey を [Present] したとき:
- 選択肢:Lend her the cardkey』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Cardkey[削除]
- ・Type: Other
- / Retrieved from the Staff Room.
- Cardkey for studio employees.
- Grants entry into Studio One.
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Steel Samurai Card[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from Wendy Oldbag.
- A trading card.
- Apparently, these are really popular with kids these days.
- ・Move
- Employee Area
【October 18 Global Studios Employee Area】
- ・Move
- Dressing Room
【October 18 Global Studios Dressing Room】
- ・Present
- Steel Samurai Card
- ・Move
- Employee Area ⇒ Studio - Main Gate ⇒ Outside Studio One
⇒ Outside Studio Two ⇒ Trailer
【October 18 Studio Two Trailer】
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- The fanboy ⇒ Mr. Hammer
- ※Mr. Hammer を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『What happened?』
- ・Talk: [Penny]
- What happened?
- ・Present
- Steel Samurai Card
- ※Steel Samurai Card を [Present] したとき:
- 選択肢:『Trade』 または 選択肢:『Don't trade』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- Steel Samurai Card[削除]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from Wendy Oldbag.
- A trading card.
- Apparently, these are really popular with kids these days.
- URP Card[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from the assistant.
- An "Ultra Rare Premium" Steel Samurai collectable card.
- Very valuable.
- ・Move
- Outside Studio Two ⇒ Outside Studio One ⇒ Studio - Main Gate
⇒ Employee Area ⇒ Dressing Room
【Global Studios Dressing Room】
- ・Present
- URP Card
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- URP Card[削除]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from the assistant.
- An "Ultra Rare Premium" Steel Samurai collectable card.
- Very valuable.
- ・Talk: [Cody]
- The Steel Samurai
- ※The Steel Samurai を聞いたとき:
- 選択肢:『His fighting skills』
<<Evidence, Profiles>> |
- "Path to Glory"[追加]
- ・Type: Other
- / Received from Cody Hackins.
- Contains photos of every victory scene in every battle the Steel Samurai
has won.
- ・Talk: [Cody]
- What happened
- ※What happened を聞いたあと:
- [Talk] に、『What you saw』
- ・Talk: [Cody]
- What you saw
- ※What you saw を聞いたあと:
- 選択肢:『I believe』 または 選択肢:『I don't know』