第4回 子どもアートオリンピックThe Arts Olympiad
代表者は2011年6月のワシントンDCで開催される「世界子どもフェスティバル」に招待されます。また作品は、2012年にロンドンで開催される夏季オリンピックの「Children’s Favorite Sport exhibition」に展示されます。

The Arts Olympiad is a free global program of the International Child Art Foundation (ICAF).


The schedule for the 4th Arts Olympiad is as follows:

4th Arts Olympiad (2009-2012) アートオリンピック大会スケジュール
Based on the Olympic Game model, the Arts Olympiad is a four-year long celebration of children’s creativity and imagination.
In the fall of 2009, teachers administer the lesson plans and the students produce art on the theme My Favorite Sport.
●2009年秋に、教師はレッスン・プランを与えます、そして、学生はテーマ 「私の好きなスポーツ」について制作します。
Schoolteachers are urged to include their students as judges to select their official school entries.
In 2010, a national exhibition is held where a distinguished jury comprised of business, cultural and political leaders selects the national Arts Olympiad winners . one best painting/drawing and one best digital art.

●2010年5月 日本アートオリンピック(国内)展覧会会場 『こどもの城』東京都渋谷区神宮前

March 31, 2010 Arts Olympiad school art competition deadline
April 2010 Catalogue and store the artworks received from schools
By June 2010 Organize an exhibition of 50 or so best artworks and form a jury comprised of business, cultural and political leaders to select Japan Arts Olympiad winners.
●2010年6月までに、50作品程度の最良の美術品の展示を組織し、日本アートオリンピック大会勝利者を選ぶために、ビジネス、文化的および政治指導者で構成された審査員を組織する。 (組織委員会)
July 31, 2010 Send the winning national artworks to ICAF
●2010年7月31日、国の代表作品を ICAFへ送って下さい。(組織委員会)
June 2011 Send national delegation to World Children’s Festival, Washington, DC
June 2012 Send representative to Children’s Favorite Sport exhibition to be held in London to mark the 2012 Summer Olympics (optional)
●2012年、夏季オリンピックが(オプション)を記念するためにロンドンで開催される「 Children’s Favorite Sport exhibition」に作品を送って下さい。 (組織委員会)
September 2012 Host Children’s Favorite Sport [International] Exhibition in capital city (optional)
November 2012 Evaluate the Arts Olympiad and send ICAF a copy of the report
Costs 料金

The Arts Olympiad is a free program of ICAF and the World Children’s Festival is free and open to the public.
ICAF does not charge any fee from its partner organization for the Arts Olympiad.
ICAF also does not charge any fee from national delegations for participation in the World Children’s Festival.
●ICAFも国家の代表団からWorld ChildrenのFestivalへの参加にどんな料金も課しません。
However, the Art e-Learning center must secure the funding to support travel to and accommodations in Washington DC for their national delegations.
The expenses for organizing a national Arts Olympiad are modest, provided that the Arts Olympiad Lesson Plan can be emailed to school principals.
Some partners also send the lesson plan to after-school programs as well as orphanages and refugees camps.
Some partners also organize the Arts Olympiad among street children and children suffering from mental or physical disadvantages.

The Japan Arts Olympiad 日本アートオリンピック組織委員会 Copyright (C) The Japan Arts Olympiad Organizing Committee