;;; c:\\program files\\acl62\\music36.cl

(load "c:\\program files\\acl62\\music35.cl") 

(defun collect-chords (l)
  (let ((lst (squash l)))
   (do ((ll lst (cdr ll))
     ((null ll) (remove-duplicate (reverse w)))
    (if (stringp (car ll)) (push (car ll) w)))))

(defun tell-chords-aux (l)
  (let ((lst (collect-chords l)))
   (do ((ll lst (cdr ll))) 
      ((null ll)) 
    (tell-a-chord (car ll)))))

;;; (tell-chords *w1*)
(defun tell-chords (wn)
   (format t "~%***** ~a *****" 
                (second (first wn)))
   (format t "~%The original key is ~a."
                (first (first wn)))
   (format t "~%Enter a key.") 
   (setf l1 (read-sentence)) 
   (if (not (key-p (car l1)))
          (go loop1)) 
   (if (equal (car l1) (first (first wn))) 
     (setf l2 (cdr wn)) 
      (setf l2 (modulate-key1-to-key2
                        (cdr wn)
                        (first (first wn))
                        (car l1)))) 
   (format t "~%*** The key is ~a. ***"
                (car l1)) 
   (tell-chords-aux l2)))

(defun tell-chords-2 (wn)
   (format t "~%*** ~a ***"
                 (second (first wn)))
   (format t "~%The original key is ~a."
                 (first (first wn)))
   (format t "~%Enter a key.")
   (setf l1 (read-sentence))
   (if (not (key-p (car l1)))
     (go loop1))
   (if (equal (car l1) (first (first wn)))
     (setf l2 (cdr wn))
      (setf l2 (modulate-key1-to-key2
                        (cdr wn)
                        (first (first wn))
                        (car l1))))
   (format t "~%*** The key is ~a. ***"
                 (car l1))
   (tell-pairs-aux (remove-duplicate l2))))