;;; (load "c:\\program files\\acl62\\music63.cl")
(load "c:\\program files\\acl62\\music62.cl")

;;;(get-a-pt-at-random '("CM7" ion))--->(re mi +fa la si)
(defun connect-lists-for-phrase-by-a-pair-pt (pair)
  (let ((lst (get-a-pt-at-random pair)))
   (remove (car (avoid-note pair)) (connect-lists-for-phrase lst))))

(defun get-a-phrase-1-aux-pt (pair)
  (cut-list-at-length (+ (random 2) 1) (connect-lists-for-phrase-by-a-pair-pt pair)))

(defun get-a-phrase-2-aux-pt (pair)
  (cut-list-at-length (+ (random 4) 1) (connect-lists-for-phrase-by-a-pair-pt pair)))

(defun get-a-phrase-3-aux-pt (pair)
  (cut-list-at-length (+ (random 6) 1) (connect-lists-for-phrase-by-a-pair-pt pair)))

(defun get-a-phrase-4-aux-pt (pair)
  (cut-list-at-length (+ (random 8) 1) (connect-lists-for-phrase-by-a-pair-pt pair)))

(defun get-a-phrase-one-aux-pt (l)
  (cond ((equal (length l) 2)
       (do ((lst l (cddr lst))
          ((null lst) (reverse w))
        (let ((l1 (cons (list (first lst) (second lst))
                 (get-a-phrase-4-aux-pt (list (first lst) (second lst))))))
         (push l1 w))))
      ((equal (length l) 4)
       (do ((lst l (cddr lst))
          ((null lst) (reverse w))
        (let ((l2 (cons (list (first lst) (second lst))
                 (get-a-phrase-3-aux-pt (list (first lst) (second lst))))))
         (push l2 w))))
      ((equal (length l) 6)
       (do ((lst l (cddr lst))
          ((null lst) (reverse w))
        (let ((l3 (cons (list (first lst) (second lst))
                 (get-a-phrase-2-aux-pt (list (first lst) (second lst))))))
         (push l3 w))))))

(defun get-a-phrase-two-aux-pt (l)
  (cond ((equal (length l) 2)
       (do ((lst l (cddr lst))
          ((null lst) (reverse w))
        (let ((l1 (cons (list (first lst) (second lst))
                 (get-a-phrase-3-aux-pt (list (first lst) (second lst))))))
         (push l1 w))))
      ((equal (length l) 4)
       (do ((lst l (cddr lst))
          ((null lst) (reverse w))
        (let ((l2 (cons (list (first lst) (second lst))
                 (get-a-phrase-2-aux-pt (list (first lst) (second lst))))))
         (push l2 w))))
      ((equal (length l) 6)
       (do ((lst l (cddr lst))
          ((null lst) (reverse w))
        (let ((l3 (cons (list (first lst) (second lst))
                 (get-a-phrase-1-aux-pt (list (first lst) (second lst))))))
         (push l3 w))))))

(defun get-a-phrase-one-2-aux-pt (pair)
  (let ((l (get-a-phrase-one-aux-pt pair))
    (setf n (number-of-notes l))
    (list l '***4beat*** (get-rythm-of-4beat n) '***3beat*** (get-rythm-of-3beat n))))

(defun get-a-phrase-two-2-aux-pt (pair)
  (let ((l (get-a-phrase-two-aux-pt pair))
    (setf n (number-of-notes l))
    (list l '***4beat*** (get-rythm-of-4beat n) '***3beat*** (get-rythm-of-3beat n))))

;;;(get-phrases-one-pt '(("CM7" ion "A7" hmp5) ("Dm7" dor "G7" alt) ("CM7" ion)))
;;;((((CM7 ion) mi) ((A7 hmp5) -mi fa)) ***4beat*** (2 4.5 8) ***3beat*** (4.5 8 4))
;;;((((Dm7 dor) do re) ((G7 alt) la)) ***4beat*** (4 4 2) ***3beat*** (4.5 8 4))
;;;((((CM7 ion) re mi so la si re)) ***4beat*** (8pause 8 16pause 16 16 16 4 8pause 8) ***3beat***
;;; (4 8.5 16 8 16 16))
;;;((((("CM7" ion) mi) (("A7" hmp5) -mi fa)) ***4beat*** (2 4.5 8) ***3beat*** (4.5 8 4))
;;; (((("Dm7" dor) do re) (("G7" alt) la)) ***4beat*** (4 4 2) ***3beat*** (4.5 8 4))
;;; (((("CM7" ion) re mi so la si re)) ***4beat*** (8pause 8 16pause 16 16 16 4 8pause 8) ***3beat***
;;; (4 8.5 16 8 16 16)))
;;;(get-phrases-two-pt '(("CM7" ion "A7" hmp5) ("Dm7" dor "G7" alt) ("CM7" ion)))
;;;((((CM7 ion) mi so la do) ((A7 hmp5) fa)) ***4beat*** (8pause 8 4 8pause 8 3(8pause 8 8)) ***3beat***
;;; (4 3(8pause 8 8) 8 8))
;;;((((Dm7 dor) do la so) ((G7 alt) la so la)) ***4beat***
;;; (8 16 16 3(8pause 8pause 8) 3(8pause 8pause 8) 8pause 8) ***3beat*** (8 8 4 3(8 8 8)))
;;;((((CM7 ion) mi)) ***4beat*** (1) ***3beat*** (2.5))
;;;((((("CM7" ion) mi so la do) (("A7" hmp5) fa)) ***4beat*** (8pause 8 4 8pause 8 "3(8pause 8 8)") ***3beat***
;;; (4 "3(8pause 8 8)" 8 8))
;;; (((("Dm7" dor) do la so) (("G7" alt) la so la)) ***4beat***
;;; (8 16 16 "3(8pause 8pause 8)" "3(8pause 8pause 8)" 8pause 8) ***3beat*** (8 8 4 "3(8 8 8)"))
;;; (((("CM7" ion) mi)) ***4beat*** (1) ***3beat*** (2.5)))
(defun get-phrases-one-pt (l)
  (do ((lst l (cdr lst))
     ((null lst) (reverse w))
    (let ((ll (get-a-phrase-one-2-aux-pt (car lst))))
     (format t "~%~a" ll)
     (push ll w))))

(defun get-phrases-two-pt (l)
  (do ((lst l (cdr lst))
     ((null lst) (reverse w))
   (let ((ll (get-a-phrase-two-2-aux-pt (car lst))))
    (format t "~%~a" ll)
    (push ll w))))

(defun auto-comp-one-pt (wn)
    (format t "~%********** ~a ************" (second (first wn)))
    (format t "~%The original key is ~a." (first (first wn)))
    (format t "~%Enter a key.")
    (setf l1 (read-sentence))
    (if (not (key-p (car l1)))
      (go loop1))
    (if (equal (car l1) (first (first wn)))
      (setf l2 (cdr wn))
     (setf l2 (modulate-key1-to-key2 (cdr wn) (first (first wn)) (car l1))))
    (format t "~%********* The key is ~a. **********" (car l1))
    ;(print l2)
    (get-phrases-one-pt l2)))

(defun auto-comp-two-pt (wn)
    (format t "~%********** ~a ************" (second (first wn)))
    (format t "~%The original key is ~a." (first (first wn)))
    (format t "~%Enter a key.")
    (setf l1 (read-sentence))
    (if (not (key-p (car l1)))
      (go loop1))
    (if (equal (car l1) (first (first wn)))
      (setf l2 (cdr wn))
     (setf l2 (modulate-key1-to-key2 (cdr wn) (first (first wn)) (car l1))))
    (format t "~%********* The key is ~a. **********" (car l1))
    (get-phrases-two-pt l2)))