
I 基礎編

1. What is your name?
2. Who is that gentleman?
3. When did you go there?
4. Where does your aunt live?
5. Why do you have a carnation?
  Becase it's Mother's Day.
6. Which do you like better, orages or grapes?
7. Whose pencil is it? It's hers.
8. How tall are you? I am 1.7 meter tall.
9. How long do you study every day?
10. How many children are there in the yard?
11. How much is this album? It's two dollars.
12. How far is it from here to the TV station?
13. What day of the week is it today?
14. Don't you have a pair of skates?
   Yes, I have.
15. It's fine, isn't it?
16. Emily plays tennis, doesn't she?
17. Tom isn't a bad boy, is he?
18. You don't work hard, do you?


19. My uncle is not at home.
20. I have no brothers.
21. Nobody came.
22. He never tells a lie.
23. We could hardly believe him.
24.Jack seldom goes to the movies.

25. Run quickly.
26. Be kind to anmals.
27. Don't be late for school.
28. Never do it again.
29. Let him go there.
30. Let's go there.
31. Work hard, and you will succeed.
32. Work hard, or you will fail.

33. How tall he is !
34. How fast the horse runs !
35. What a fast train this is !

36. It is warm today.
37. It is a quarter to six.
38. It is only one mile from here to the station.
39. It is fun to play baseball.
40. I think it is better to go.
41. It is true that he is honest.

42. I ate many peaches.
43. I drank much water.
44. There are a few pencils on the desk.
45. There is a little sugar in the pot.
46. He has few friends in this town.
47. He has little money with him.
48. Have you any money with you? Yes, I have some. (No, I haven't any.)
49. If you have any money, please lend me some.
50. Won't you have some coffee?
51. You may take any book you like.

52. He is taller than I.
53. He is the tallest in our class.
54. He is the youngest of all.
55. He is as bright as you.
56. I am not so (=as) bright as he.

57. I will do my best.
58. I shall be sixteen years old next birthday.
59. You will pass the examination.
60. My father will start for London next month.
61. Will you come and see me tomorrow?
62. Shall I open the window?
63. Shall he come here?

64. I have just finished my homework.
65. Have you ever been to Nara?
66. I have lived here for ten years.
67. It has been raining since last Saturday.
68. The trai had already left when I got to the station.

69. The picture was painted by him.
70. We are taught French by Mr. Smith.
71. French is taught us by Mr. Smith.
72. Stars are seen at night.
73. English is spoken in Canada.

74. You can swim well.
75. He could not swim last summer.
76. He will be able to swim soon.
77. You may go now.
78. You must not go.
79. He may be ill.
80. You must go at once.
81. You need not go.
82. I shall have to work harder.
83. He must be a fool.
84. We should all work.
85. He used to play tennis on Sundays.
86. He would often visit me.

87. To teach is to learn.
88. He likes to paint a picture.
89. I know how to swim.
90. His desire is to become a musician.
91. I want something to drink.
92. He went to Paris to study French.
93. I am glad to see you.
94. He lived to be eighty.
95. I am too tired to walk.

96. He is running along the river.
97. Look at the sleeping baby.
98. The boy standing there is my brother.
99. I saw him entering the room.
100. There were no printed books then.
101. I received a letter written in English.
102. Mother works listening to the radio.
103. Being very kind, she was liked by all.

104. Walking is good for the health.
105. I like climbing mountains.
106. Seeing is believing.
107. She is very fond of watching television.

108. I know a girl who plays the violin.
109. He is a merchant whose store is in the city.
110. He is a doctor whom we know very well.
111. The house which stands there is Mr. Brown's.
112. Look at the mountain whose top is covered with snow.
113. This is the knife which he has bought.
114. This is the only dictionary that he has.
115. I can't understand what you say.
116. I met a boy, who told me the news.
117. I made a doll, which I gave to my sisiter.

118. This is the village where I was born.
119. I remember the day when she died.

120. He and I are good friends.
121. I believe that the student is honest.
122. As he was busy, he could not play.
123. He is not my father, but my uncle.
124. She can both sing and dance.
125. She can neither read nor write.
126. She is not only pretty but also bright.
127. She is bright as well as pretty.
128. He ran as fast as he could.
129. As soon as we went out, it began to rain.
130. It is so cold that we cannot study.

131. If it rains tomorrow, I shall not start.
132. If it had money enough, I would buy the camera.
133. I wish I were a bird.
134. He talks as if he knew all about it.

135. The door opened slowly.
136. There is no cloud in the sky.
137. He lives in Tokyo with his family.
138. He looks healthy.
139. He became a rich man.
140. Roses smell sweet.
141. He felt sorry for her.
142. It grew dark and cold.
143. She turned pale at the news.
144. He often gets angry with me.
145. I like melons very much.
146. She opened the door suddenly.
147. When did he leave Yokohama?
148. He lived a happy life.
149. Father gave me a watch.
150. Show me the way to the museum.
151. I bought her a new dress.
152. He called me a liar.
153. They elected him chairman.
154. I found the book easy.
155. He left me alone.
156. I kept the window open.
157. I made her cry.
158. Let him do his best.
159. I saw her clean the room.
160. I heard a baby crying.

Nouns 名詞
161. What is the English for the Japanese "tsukue"?
162. A Mr. Brown came to see you in your absence.
163. She was a beauty when she was young.
164. What an excellent wine this is !
165. A fire turns useful things into ashes in an instant.
166. I always remember his kindness.
167. Many people are in the room.
168. The police are trying to find out the murderer.
169. The Japanese are a patriotic nation.
170. Are your family all well?
171. His family is very large.
172. Fruit is good for the health.
173. Mr. Kato leaves Haneda Airport for Paris tomorrow.
174. The Shinano River flows into the Japan Sea.
175. All of the Browns went out to the sea.
176. Enoshima is called the Miami of the East.
177. The Himalayas are called the roof of the world.
178. Have you read today's Japan Times yet? No, not yet.
179. The Japanese are an industrious people.
180. Waiter, please give me a cup of coffee.
181. How much money do you want?
182. Bring me five pieces of chalk.
183. I bought a pair of trousers at the Mitsukoshi Department Store yesterday.
184. Fact is stranger than fiction.
185. We must distingush between the false and the true.
186. A horse is of great use to us.
187. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Pronouns 代名詞
188. What language do they speak in Mexico?
189. It rained heavily yesterday.
190. What time is it now? It is just eight o'clock.
192. How far is it from here to Yokohama Station? It is about six miles.
193. Someone is knocking at the door. Who do you think it is?
194. It is getting dark outside.
195. It is wrong to tell a lie.
196. I found it difficult to speak English well.
197. It is no use worring about him.
198. It is certain that we shall succeed.
199. It is said (=They say) that the Cabinet will soon change.
200. How much does it cost us to build such a house?
    It costs us millions of yen.
201. It takes an hour and a half to fly from Tokyo to Osaka by plane.
202. It is you that (or who) are to blame.
203. He makes mistakes, and that very often.
204. I shall call on you one of these days.
205. His dress is that of a gentleman but his manners are thsose of a clown.
206. He is always quarreling with this man or that.
207. He hurt himself with a knife.
208. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves.
209. I came across the man himself.
210. One must do such things oneself.
211. One should not live for oneself alone.
212. That triangle on the desk is not mine, but Kimura's.
213. Where did you buy that reference book of yours?
214. Who (or Whom) are you waiting for?
215. What do you think about the game?
216. I can't understand what this sentence means.
217. Have you any questions?
218. I need some butter. If you have any, give me some.
219. I have not any brothers.
220. Any of them will do.
221. Has anybody heard it? No, nobody has.
222. Some say yes and others say no.
223. Won't you have some cheese?
224. One often fails to see one's own mistakes.
225. I have three cats, a black one and two white ones.
226. I have both an uncle and aunt: the one lives in Tokyo, while the other (lives) in Yokohama.
227. All of us Japanese want peace.
228. All was over. All were very glad.
229. Every dog has his day.
230. Each has his merits.
231. He doesn't go to school every day.
232. Both of you are not wrong.
233. None of these books are fit to read.
234. You may use either of the two, but you must not use both of them.
235. I made two propositions, and neither was accepted.
236. Neither I nor he is likely to be present at the meeting.

Relatives 関係詞
237. I want a man who can type well.
238. Give help to anyone who needs it.
239. Those who say so are mistaken.
240. The man who I thought was a genius has turned out to be a fraud.
241. They have a son whose name is John.
242. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.
243. The student whom you spoke of has been absent for three days.
244. The man to whom the girl is speaking is our principal.
245. The river which flows through London is called the Thames.
246. This is the watch which I lost yesterday.
247. The mountain the top of which you see is Mt. Fuji.
248. The beavers choose a stream whose banks are covered with trees.
249. That is the house in which he lives.
250. All that glitters is not gold.
251. Look at the girl and the cat that are playing on the lawn.
252. Man is the only animal that laughs.
253. Abraham Lincoln is one of the greatest statesmen that the world has ever produced.
254. This is the dictionary that I have been looking for.
255. Who that knows him well will speak ill of him?
256. What is beatiful is not always good.
257. I can't understand what you say.
258. The peace of the world is what everyone desires.
259. He is what you call a snob.
260. He lost money, and what was worse, his life.
261. Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.
262. The girl (whom) I saw here yesterday lent me her dictionary.
263. This is the dog (which) he saved.
264. The white building is the apartment house (which) they live in.
265. This is the man (whom) he is looking for.
266. Is this the stamp album (that) you are proud of?
267. There is someone at the door who wants to see you.
268. He is not the man (that) I thought he was.
269. She had a son, who was killed in World War II.
270. Mr. Yamada, whom I am going to visit, is a famous musician.
271. I told him the news, which he told to Mr. Kato.
272. I began to read "Robinson Crusoe", which proved very interesting to me.
273. He killed the dog, which was faithful to him.
274. He said he had seen her, which was a lie.
275. I bought the same dictionary as you have. (cf. This is the same dictionary that I lost the other day.)
276. I have never seen such a lazy fellow as you are.
277. Keep company with such men as will do you good.
278. Please give me as much money as you have.
279. There is no rule but has some exceptions.
280. There is no one but knows that.
281. He was such a great scientist as was respected by everybody.
282. He is an American, as I know from his accent.
283. Don't spend more money than is necessary.
284. I love the town where I was born.
285. I did not find the book on the table where I had left it.
286. I like to climb the mountain where The accident happened.
287. I came out from where I was hiding.
288. Where there is a will, there is a way.
289. I don't know the time when the train will start.
290. I shall never forget the day when my father died.
291. The war broke out in the year when I took an entrance examination.
292. It was the day that I entered this school.
293. That is the reason why I can't consent.
294. This is why I scolded my daughter.
295. Tell me the way he has found the treasure.
296. He went to London, where he stayed for two weeks.
297. In tokyo ,where there are so many cars, accidents can hardly be avoided.
298. I stayed in Osaka till Sunday, when I received a telegram from my father.
299. He stayed there till Saturday, when he started for Kyoto.
300. You may bring whoever wants to come.
301. Whoever does this shall have the reward.
302. You may invite who(m)ever you like.
303. Who(m)ever you may see on the way, do not speak to him.
304. Buy whichever you like.
305. Whichever way you may take, you will come to the same place.
306. You may read whatever book you like.
307. Whatever I have is yours.
308. I will follow him wherever he goes.
309. Wherever you may go, you cannot get a good salary without efforts.
310. You may watch television whenever you like.
311. Whenever (= No matter when) you may visit him, you will find him in.
312. However (= No matter how) fast you may run, you cannot catch me up.
313. My appeals, however just (they might be), were ignored.

Tenses 時制
314. Here he comes.
315. He get up at half past six every morning.
316. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
317. I hear that he is still in japan.
318. If you go straight, you will find the post office.
319. This ship sails for Kobe tomorrow morning.
320. Caesar crosses the Rubicon and enters Italy.
321. This morning I got up later than usual.
322. They went on a picnic last Sunday.
323. Formerly the Japanese ate no meat.
324. Did you ever see a giraffe?
325. I visited Hokkaido several years ago.
326. We kept silent till he came.
327. I will be sixteen years old next birthday.
328. You will pass the examination if work hard.
329. He will not come untill next Sunday.
330. Shall we be able to get there before dark.
331. How much money will you need in school?
332. When will the result be announced?
333. I will phne him tomorrow morning.
334. I shall be glad if you will do (= if you are willing to do) so.
335. She says she will try it again.
336. You shall have this book. (= I will give you this book.)
337. He shall come (= I will bring him) with me the next time I come here.
338. No one shall leave the room without my permission.
339. What shall I do next? Take the umbrella to Mr. Yamada.
340. Shall I have your answer soon? I will give you my answer this afternoon.
341. When shall he (= do you wish him to) came? Let him come this evening.
342. Will you please lend me your knife? Yes, I will.
343. Will you dine with us on Sunday? Yes, with pleasure.
344. Won't you have another cup of coffee? No, thank you.
345. What are you doing? I am writing a letter to my uncle.
346. She is helping in the store two days a week.
347. What are they doing this afternoon? They are having a discussion meeting.
348. Mr. Kondo is broadcasting at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
349. My father is going to build a new house this year.
350. She is going to school.
351. He is going to France next yaer.
352. When he came this afternoon, I will playing the piano.
353. The two men were always quarreling in their boyhood.
354. I shall be playing baseball this time tomorrow.
355. She will be having breakfast if you go now.
356. Have you reda today's paper yet? Yes, I have read it already. (No, I haven't read it yet.)
357. He has already written the letter.
358. Where have you been? I have been to the barbar's.
359. Four years have passed since they started to learn English.
360. I have lost my watch. (= Now I have no watch.)
361. He has gone to Germany. (= He is in Germany.)
362. I have climbed Mt. Fuji four times.
363. How often has he been to Europe? He has been to Europe several times.
364. I have never met such a great man as he.
365. I have known him for seven years.
366. How long have you been ill? I have been ill for a week.
367. She has lived in Yokohama for ten years.
368. What have you been doing all this while? I have been watching television.
369. It has just stopped raining. It has been raining for three days.
370. I will go out for a walk when I have finished my home task.
371. I had just written the letter when he called on me.
372. I remembered that I had left my umbrella behind.
373. I had never seen him rejoice so much before.
374. He had been ill in bed for a week, when the doctor was sent for.
375. The man had been walking more than five years, and yet he could not pass through the forest.
376. He had been studying Japanese for three months whe I met him.
377. By the time you come back, I shall have finished the work.
378. About this time tomorrow, I shall have been at home in the country.
379. When my uncle comes to Tokyo next week, he will have been here three times.
380. They will have been married for ten years by Christmas.
381. He will have been studying music for two years next June.

Auxiliary Verbs 助動詞
382. Can I have your reply tomorrow?
383. You will able to finish it by the appointed time.
384. You cannot be ill, for you run about like that.
385. He cannot have arrived yet.
386. Can the report be true?
387. Can he have said such a thing?
388. I cannot but accept the offer.
389. We cannot be too grateful to that man.
390. It may snow tonight.
391. I may have read this book before.
392. He may not have got his bycycle repaired in a day.
393. May I lock the door? No, please wait a moment.
394. Might I borrow your pen a minute? Yes, with pleasure.
395. He works hard so that he may succeed.
396. Mother got up early this morning so that I might be in time for the train.
397. He may well long for home, for it is long time since he left home.
398. Whoever may say so, I don't believe it.
399. Whichever book you may read, I am sure you will learn a lot.
400. Must I read this book?
401. I had to pay double the price.
402. I shall have to finish the work by the end of this month.
403. You have only to go and see him.
404. He must be mad to attempt such a thing.
405. He said the report must be true.
406. She must have already arrived there.
407. If he had looked carefully, he must have see the light.
408. We must all die sometime.
409. He must have his own way.
410. You ought not to say such things.
411. You ought to have consulted with him.
412. I am sorry about last night. I oughtn't to have stayed.
413. Why need he come today?
414. I need not say that he failed.
415. There was a plenty of time, so you need not have hurried.
416. I need not have bought the book, if I had known that you had it.
417. Each of us needs to master such a foolish fear.
418. I didn't need to visit him in such bad weather.
419. Dare he do it?
420. They dare not go out.
421. How dare you speak to me like that?
422. I dare say it is a mere lie.
423. He ran on and on, never daring to look back.
424. I used to go there, but I go no longer.
425. There used to be a bridge there.
426. Children should obey their parents.
427. A student should not go to such a place.
428. You should have come earlier.
429. We should not have told grandfather that he had been suffering from cancer.
430. It is strange that you should say like that.
431. It is surprising that you should know so little abou it.
432. I am surprised that he should have succeeded.
433. He fled lest he should be killed.
434. We hid the letter for fear he should see it.
435. There is no reason why he should not succeed.
436. I should like to go abroad.
437. Who should come in but our teacher himself?
438. Do to others as you would have them do to you.
439. The blood would not stop flowing.
440. I would like to know your opinion.
441. I would rather wait than return.
442. He would sit for hours doing nothing.
443. Would you kindly bring me a glass of water?
444. Would you mind showing me the way to the station?
445. I do want to go.
446. Do be quiet, please !
447. He did come, but told me nothing about it.
448. Well do I remember the day of his death.

Voice 態
449. The cat killed the rat. The cat was killed by the cat.
450. A dog bit him on the leg.
   He was bitten on the leg by a dog.
451. Mr. Smith teaches us French at this school.
   We are taught French by Mr. Smith at this school.
   French is taught us by Mr. Smith at this school.
452. The queen gave Columbus three ships.
   Columbus was given three ships by the queen.
   Three ships were given to columbus by the queen.
453. The students elected him chairman.
   He was elected chairman by the students.
454. Father will paint the door green.
   The door will be painted green by Father.
455. We expect them to arrive there tomorrow.
   They are expected to arrive there tomorrow.
456. I heard a dog bark.
   A dog was heard to bark.
457. Her teacher made her write it again.
   She was made to write it again by her teacher.
458. We can not see stars in the daytime.
   Stars can not been seen in the daytime.
459. You must not leave the window open.
   The window must must not be left open.
460. I shall pay the bill.
   The bill will be paid by me.
461. I have used this dictionary for a long time.
   This dictionary has been used by me for a long time.
462. We had finished the work when he came.
   The work had been finished when he came.
463. He is making a box.
   A box is being made by him.
464. What did Marconi invent?
   What was invented by Marconi?
465. Who will look after the children?
   By whom will the children be looked after?
466. A motor-car ran over a child.
   A child was run over by a motor-car.
467. All the people laughed at his plan.
   His plan was laughed at by all the people.
468. They speak ill of the new president.
   The new president is spoken ill of.
469. They lost sight of the ship in the storm.
   The ship was lost sight of in the storm.
470. Cut down the tree at once.
   Let the tree be cut down at once.
471. Don't touch it.
   Let it not be touched.
472. They speak French as well as English in Canada.
   French as well as English is spoken in Canada.
473. They say that he is still alive.
   It is said that he is still alive.
   He is said to be still alive.
474. Everybody in this town knows his name.
   His name is known to everybody in this town.
475. The news surprised us.
   We were surprised at the news.
476. Dark clouds covered the sky suddenly.
   The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.
477. These problems interested us deeply.
   We were deeply interested in these problems.
478. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson got married last year.
479. I became acquainted with her during my stay in Tokyo.
480. He seems satisfied.
481. The door was closed when I arrived there.
482. This book is written in easy English.
483. He is accustomed to the work.
484. This magazine sells well.
485. The garden needs weeding.
486. He is to blame.

Infinitive 不定詞
487. To err is human, to forgive divine.
488. To talk is easier than to act.
489. To get up early in the morning is good for the health.
490. It is a good thing to be punctual.
491. It is a rule with me not to give anything to beggars.
492. It is difficult for a foreighner to learn Japanese.
493. It is very kind of you to say so.
494. Everyone must learn to co-operate.
495. He wished to be the richest man in the world.
496. I expected to have called on him last Monday.
497. He tried not to smile.
498. I found it easy to answer the question.
499. My father makes it a rule to read a novel half an hour.
500. I thought it better not to tell her anything about the matter.
501. I think it necessary for you to apologize to him.
502. Tell him what to do.
503. Nobody knows when and where to go.
504. He did not know which way to turn.
505. I have decided whom to invite to the party.
506. Many young man are learning how to play volleyball nowadays.
507. None of us knew whether to go forward or backward.
508. I have no time to watch television.
509. It is time for you to go to bed.
510. He was the first to arrive and the last to depart.
511. He is the last man to tell a lie.
512. He had the kindness to show me the way.
513. They have no house to live in.
514. Ther is no pen to write with.
515. The rumour proved to be groundless.
516. He seems to be honest.
517. He seems to have been rich.
518. She happened to come to see me yesterday.
519. The boy will soon come to understand it.
520. He is to come here tonight.
521. This house is to let.
522. Not a soul was to be seen in the street.
523. Nothing is ever to be attained without efforts.
524. You are to do as you are told.
525. If you are to succeed, you must work harder.
526. She believes him to be honest.
527. I advised him to see the doctor.
528. I want you to do it at once.
529. Allow me to introduce Mr. Smith.
530. Tell her not to cry any more.
531. I saw a atrange dog enter our garden.
532. I have never heard him speak ill of others.
533. Mary helped mother (to) clear the kitchen.
534. he made his son go for him.
535. The teacher bade us sit up till late.
536. The let the prosoner take a short walk.
537. I will have a porter carry your baggage.
538. He went to England to study English literature.
539. Be carefull not to awake the baby.
540. He got up early so as to be in time for the train.
541. They listened attentively in order not to miss a single word.
542. I was surprised to hear of his defeat.
543. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
544. He must be a fool to do such a thing.
545. He cannot be a gentleman to behave like that.
546. He grew up to be a statesman.
547. She awoke to find everyone busy.
548. He left England never to return.
549. He worked very hard day after day only to fail in the examination.
550. You are too old to swim.
551. You walk too fast for me to keep up with you.
552. His salary is just enough to live on.
553. He was so kind as to lend me the money.
554. You are free to go or stay.
555. The news is hard to believe.
556. To speak the truth, he is not mush of a scholar.
557. To be frank with you, I dislike him.
558. Strange to say, the door opened of itself.
559. He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.
560. To hear him sing, you might take him for a young girl.

Participle 分詞
561. A drowning man will catch at a straw.
562. He jumped on a running car.
563. Who is the lady speaking to your mother?
564. He was standing with his arms folded.
565. Fallen leaves were scattered in the garden.
566. What is the language spoken in Australia?
567. He stood leaning agaist the door.
568. It kept snowing all day long.
569. He burst out laughing.
570. Mother is busy cooking supper in the kitchen.
571. I went fishing with my brother.
572. The door remained locked.
573. He lay down exhausted.
574. The village appeared quite deserted.
575. She will soon get used to her new work.
576. I saw him climbing the tree.
577. The joke set the students laughing.
578. You should keep her waiting for a while.
579. I heard it spoken in the club.
580. I saw a dog run over by a car.
581. He failed to make himself understood.
582. He had his shoes mended.
583. I had my photograph taken.
584. I had my car oiled at the service station.
585. She had her pocket picked in the croed.
586. I've got my hat blown off.
587. Walking along the street, I met an old friend of mine.
588. Opening the window, I found him standing there.
589. Left to herself, she began to weep.
590. Having finished my homework, I went out for a walk.
591. Having no money with me, I could not buy the book.
592. Tired with[from] a long walk, he sat down by the roadside.
593. Not having received an answer, I wrote again.
594. Turning to the right, you will find the place you are looking for.
595. Seen from a distance, our aunt's house looks like an old castle.
596. Admitting your plan to be right, I still think it very hard to carry it out.
597. Writing something on a piece of paper, he handed it to me.
598. She wrote him a friendly letter, thanking him for his help.
599. My mother being ill, I had to look after my little sisters.
600. School being over, the boys and girls went home.
601. The work concluded, he went out into the garden.
602. With her heart pounding in her breast she opened the door.
603. Strictly speaking, he is not honest.
604. Generally speaking, the Japanese are a kind people.
605. Judging from the look of the sky, it will rain tomorrow.

Gerund 動名詞
606. Being punctual is his principal virtue.
607. Saying and doing are two different yhings.
608. I like having meals in bed.
609. I began learning English ten years ago.
610. I remember seeing him somewhere before.
611. I remember Mary telling us the story.
612. Do you mind my staying and having a bit of lunch?
613. Would you mind opening the window?
614. How did you escape being punished?
615. We stopped talking when the teacher came in.
616. I prefer living alone to living with others.
617. He is proud of his son's being a clever boy.
618. He is in the habit of overeating himself.
619. You need not be afraid of making mistakes in speaking English.
620. I have no doubt of your being able to speak english well.
621. There is no hope of his succeeding.
622. Your poverty is of your own making.
623. He surprised us all by going away without saying good-bye.
624. We were surprised at her beauty being made so much of.
625. I congratulate you on passing the examination.
626. I insisted on you all meeting me there.
627. The teacher scolded him for cutting classes so often.
628. He repents of havung been idle in his youth.
629. He prided himself on never having been beaten at chess.
630. Our job is weeding the garden.
631. His only concern is getting more money.
632. Our school has a swimming pool.
633. This is a walking stick of my uncle's.
634. He cannot help admitting the fact.
635. After walking an hour, we arrived at the village.
636. On receiving the telegram, he started for London.
637. On hearing the news, he felt like crying.
638. There is no staying in such a cold space.
639. It is rather fun camping out.
640. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
641. You must find it rather dull living here all by yourself.
642. Is there anything here worth buying?

Mood 法
643. If it rains tomorrow, I will not go.
644. If I were a bird, I could fly to you.
645. If I had one dollar more, I could buy the book.
646. If you could be born again, which would you rather be, a man or a woman?
647. Were I ten years younger, I would undertake the task.
648. Were there no fools, there would be no wise men.
649. If I had left home at seven, I should not have been in time.
650. If he had started a little earlier, he might have caught the train.
651. If he had not offered to help me, I should have had to do it all alone.
652. If Columbus had not discovered America, some one else would have discovered it.
653. Had I been in the car, I should have been killed.
654. Had I known it, I would have employed him.
655. If we should miss the train, we should have to wait two hours for the next train.
656. If he would work harder, he would succeed.
657. If you would kindly do so, I should be much obliged.
658. Should you come across him, tell him that I am looking for him.
659. If I were to die tomorrow, what would you do?
660. If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not change my mind.
661. If it were not for your help (or But for your help), I should not succeed.
662. Were it not for his idleness, he would be a good student.
663. But for(or Without) the heat of the sun, nothing could live.
664. If it had not been for (or But for) your assistance, I should not have succeeded.
665. I wish I could go on a picnic with them.
666. I wish I had not said such a thing to him.
667. How I wish you could pass the entrance examination !
668. Would to God you could succeed !
669. Oh that I had but known it !
670. If only you were a little more diligent !
671. If I had only bought it !
672. I remeber it as plainly as if it were yesterday.
673. He can speak English as though he were an Englishman.
674. You talk as if you had been there.
675. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.
676. A Japanese would not do such a thing.
677. To hear him speaking English, one would take him for an Englishman.
678. It would be better to start early in the morning.
679. It would have been better to have said nothing at all.
680. A nation which stopped working would be dead in a fortnight.
681. He worked hard, otherwise he would have failed.
682. I got tired on the way, or else I should have arrived sooner.
683. In case father should not allow me, I would ask mother.
684. Suppose(or Supposing) you had one million yen, what would you do with it?
685. It is time you went to bed.
686. I could never have managed it alone.
687. Everybody would be made stronger by continuous training.
688. You had better give up your plan.
689. You had best consent.
690. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
691. Go where he will, he finds some nice friends to help him.
692. May peace be with all the world !
693. Long live our great king !

Concord 一致
694. Time and tide wait for no man.
695. Curry and rice is my favorite dish.
696. Every man and every boy who does his duty is worthy of praise.
697. Each boy and girl in this class has two textbooks.
698. Either my brother or I am in the wrong.
699. Neither he nor I am able to swim.
700. Neither the emperor nor his people were agaist the war.
701. Not only the students but also the teacher is desirous of a holiday.
702. My friends as well as my cousin were killed in the war.
703. An officer with three soldiers is coming.
704. Fifty dollars a month is a small sum to him.
705. Three and four is ( or are ) seven.
706. It is they who are to blame.
707. The United States of America is one of the most powerful nations.
708. Social studies is my favorite subject.
709. This is one of the most interesting books that have appeared this year.
710. Most of my time is spent in reading.
711. Most of my books are novels.
712. The true is our final aim of life.
713. The poor are not always unhappy.

Sequence of Tenses 時制の一致
714. He thinks she is a wonderful actress.
   He thought she was a wondeful actress.
715. I hope you will soon get well.
   I hoped you would soon get well.
716. I don't know he has already finished the work.
   I didn't know he had already finished the work.
717. I think that he did the work yesterday.
   I thought that he had done the work the day before.
718. He says I must go at once.
   He said I must go at once.
719. It occurs to me that I ought to go and see him.
   It occurred to me that I ought to go and see him.
720. Mother says I need not go on an errand.
   Mother said I need not go on an errand.
721. I tell my brother that he had better stay at home.
   I told my brother that he had better stay at home.
722. Our teacher teaches us that six times five is thirty.
   Our teacher taught us that six times five is thirty.
723. The teacher told us that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
724. It was much colder yesterday than it is today.
725. I did not know at your age so much as you do now.
726. He says he would go abroad if he had money.
   He said he would go abroad if he had money.
727. He talks as if he were an Englishman.
   He talked as if he were an Englishman.
728. I wish I were as clever as he.
   I wished I were as clever as he.

Narration 話法
729. The other day Tom said, "I will be back early tonight."
   The other day Tom said that he would be back early that night.
730. He said to me, "I'm free now."
   He told me that he was free then.
731. They said, "We went to the station to meet him yesterday."
   They said that they had gone to the station to meet him the day before ( = the previous day ).
732. She said, "I recognized him at once because I saw him two years before."
   She said she had recognized him at once because she had seen him two years before.
733. They said to me, "Can you finish the work this afternoon?"
   They asked me whether I could finish the work that afternoon.
734. He asked me, "Did you feel the earthquake last night?"
   He asked me if I had felt the earthquake the previous night (= the night before).
735. He said to me, "Will you lend me the camera?"
   He asked me if I would lend him the camera.
736. He said to me, "Shall I put out the fire?"
   He asked me if he should put out the fire.
737. He said to her, "How long have you been living here?"
   He asked her how long she had been living there.
738. He said to me, "What shall I do?"
   He asked me what to do.
739. I said to her, "Who do you think will come here first?"
   I inquired of her who she thought would go there first.
740. He said to me, "Stand up !"
   He told (=ordered) me to stand up.
741. She said to me, "Please help me with the luggage."
   She asked me to help her with the luggage.
742. The doctor said to me, "Don't sit up late."
   The doctor advised me not to sit up late.
   The doctor told me that I should not sit up late.
743. She said, "Let's start at once."
   She suggested (= proposed) that we (they) should start at once.
744. "Mother," said my brother, " tell me some more stories."
   My brother asked mother to tell him some more stories.
745. He said, "What a lovely garden (this is) !"
   He said with delight that was a very lovely garden.
   He remarked what a lovely garden that was.
746. He said, "Alas ! how foolish I was !"
   He said with a sigh how foolish he had been.
   He cried with regret that he had been very foolish.
   He sighed and said that he had been very foolish.
747. Aunt said, "How tall you have grown, Kyoko !"
   Aunt exclaimed that Kyoto had grown very tall.
748. He said to me, "May you be happy !"
   He expressed his wish that I might be happy
749. He said, "God help the poor !"
   He prayed that God might help the poor.
750. He said, "Don't spend all your money but save some for the future."
   He told me not to spend all my money but to save some for the future.
751. She said to me, " I haven't much money but I am happy."
   She told me (that) she had not much money but that she was happy.

Preposition 前置詞
752. He left for America at 9.00 p.m. on the 10th of August, 1967.
753. The accident broke out on the morning of th ninth.
754. The cherry blossoms will bloom in a few days.
755. You must come back within a week.
756. I have been studying physics for three hours since seven.
757. He called at my house during my absence.
758. He stayed with him through the holidays.
759. We had to part with our house a week before Christmas.
760. The debate lasted from two till six.
761. Can you finish the work by tomorrow?
762. I'd rather study by night than by day.
763. We arrived at the hotel towards evening.
764. The train arrived ten minutes behind time.
765. There is a fly on the ceiling.
766. The sky is over our heads and the ground is under our feet.
767. The peak rises above the clouds.
768. The sun has sunk below the horizon.
769. He climbed up the tree.
770. I hurried down the steps to catch uo with my father.
771. I heard birds singing among the trees.
772. I sat between John and Mary.
773. He left a great name behind him.
774. The policeman ran after the thief.
775. The earth goes round the sun.
776. We were chattering, sitting around the fire.
777. We walked along the river to the town.
778. I helped the boy across the street.
779. There was, as usual, a crowd of folks about the door.
780. He sat down on the box beside the table.
781. Don't let the dog come inside the house.
782. He struck me on the head.
783. He caught me by the arm.
784. He looked me in the face.
785. We were all surprised at his failure.
786. He is suffering from a bad cold.
787. He died of a heart attack.
788. Many passengers were injured through the driver's carelessness.
789. He became ill with overwork.
790. Wine is made from grapes.
791. Desks are generally made of wood.
792. Write your composition in ink.
793. What do you live for?
794. The poor boy was frozen to death.
795. To our joy, my brother passed the entrance examination.
796. This doll was carved with a knife by a black person.
797. This meat is sold by the pound.
798. Are you for or against the suggestion?
799. He looks young for his age.
800. I got it for 1,000 yen.
801. There was another visitors besides me.
802. He was sitting in the room with the windows open.
803. Come out from behind the curtain.
804. The cat jumped on to the desk.
805. As for me, I am quite satisfied.
806. Sccording to today's paper, there was a big fire in Kyoto.
807. He gave me advice instead of money.
808. Because of (=On account of) that, he is away from home.
809. He gained wealth at the cost of (=at the expence of) conscience.
810. In case of my absence, he will take my place.
811. In spite of our advice, he would not mend his ways.
812. We express our thoughts by means of words.
813. A man will succeed in proportion to his perseverance.
814. He went to Hakone for the sake of his health.
815. He is in the habit of taking things cheerfully.
816. He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music.
817. You must do your homework for yourself.
818. He was reading under the tree by himself.
819. I'll be there by two o'clock without fail.
820. For all (=With all) his learning, he is wanting in common sense.
821. I was at a loss what to do.
822. I got the ticket for nothing.
823. He depends on me for school expences.
824. Many musicians have left with the beauty of nature.
825. At that shop they deal in fish.
826. Happiness consists in contentment.
827. The committee consists of five members.
828. You had better look after your health.
829. We must look into the matter thoroughly.
830. What are you looking for?
831. The king agreed with none of them.
832. I cannot agree to such a proposal.
833. One can hardly get over one's laziness.
834. Naturally he takes pride in his school.
835. One should take care of one's old parents.
836. Different metals are made use of for different purposes.
837. She took advantage of the bargain sale and bought a dozen shirts.
838. We must get rid of rats.
839. He is always ready to find fault with other people.
840. Life is often comparerd to a voyage.
841. She was anxious about the safety of her child.
842. I am anxious for the news.
843. The president is responsible for the wealth of the people.
844. Those who are ignorant of English shouldn't go abroad.
845. She is familiar with French grammer.
846. I'm free from work today.
847. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
848. I can't put up with his temper any longer.
849. He was not spoken well of by his classmates.

Conjunction 接続詞
850. I know that he is an honest man.
851. Do you know the fact that flies are deaf?
852. I woder if it is true.
853. It is necessary that you should go there.
854. It is doubtful whether he is coming.
855. It is not known where he comes from.
856. It has often been asked why he did it.
857. It could easily be seen how he did it.
858. It seems that he is an honest man.
859. It occurred to me that he might be lying.
860. I took it for granted that he would come to help me.
861. See to it that everything is ready.
862. He is not a scholar, but a poet.
863. Start at once, and you will be in time.
864. Start at once, or you will be late.
865. Both you and I are wrong.
866. Either you or I am wrong.
867. Neither you nor I am wrong.
868. He was at once detested and despised.
869. He is a student, and so am I.
870. He cannot swim, nor can I.
871. Not only the mother but also the children are sick.
872. The children as well as the mother are sick.
873. When I was young, I used to go there.
874. Whenever I feel any doubt, I inquire.
875. She came after he went away.
876. While I was in school, I was always praised for being punctual.
877. You must come back before it is too late.
878. It will be some time before he recovers completely.
879. I had not waited long when (=before) the train came.
880. Don't stay outdoors till it is too late.
881. As soon as (=The moment) he saw ne, he ran away.
882. No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.
883. Hardly (=Scarcely) had he seen me when (=before) he ran away.
884. By the time you get back, I shall be ready.
885. The next time he saw me, he spoke to me again.
886. Once you are outside the gate, you are safe.
887. It is a long time since I saw you last.
888. I will help you as long as I live.
889. So long as he lived, he never wanted to go there again.
890. I don't know where he lives.
891. He live where the road crosses the river.
892. As far as the eye could reach, there was nothing but sand.
893. As far as (=So far as) I am concered, I have no objection to it.
894. As I was tired, I went to bed at once.
895. I will do as you say.
896. As years went on, he became weaker and weaker.
897. As the desert is like a sea, so is the camel like a ship.
898. He is loved by all, for he is a very kind man.
899. Since you are ill, you had better stay in bed.
900. He was dismissed because he was dishonest.
901. You must not despise a man because he is poor.
902. I stayed at home not because I was tired but I didn't want to go.
903. Not that he has no time but he does not want to read.
904. The people were happy again now that the town was free from rats.
905. Seeing that he has not turned up yet, he may have no mind to come.
906. He worried, so that he could not go to school.
907. He was so idle that he lost his job.
908. He spoke in such a loud tone that I could hear him upstairs.
909. He studied hard (so) that he might pass the entrance examination.
910. He told it so that he might not hurt our feeling.
911. He dared not stir lest he should be seen.
912. He wrote the name down, for fear he should forget it.
913. You must take an umbrella with you in case it should rain.
914. Though he is young, he is able.
915. Young as he is, he is able.
916. You must do it, whether you like it or not.
917. Whoever (=No matter who) may say so, it is a lie.
918. Whatever (=No matter what) you finally decide to do, tell your father about it.
919. However (=No matter how) bad the weather may be, we shall have to go.
920. Wherever (=No matter where) you may go, you will find the same thing.
921. Whichever (=No matter which) you may choose, make sure that it is a good one.
922. Home is home, be it ever so humble.
923. They will not go tomorrow, if it rains.
924. Unless you start at once, you will miss the train.
925. I am an eager, if not a skilful, sportsman.
926. I'll come provided that you let me know beforehand.
927. Suppose your father saw you now, what would he say?

Comparison 比較
928. This is much larger than that.
929. He is more shy than unsocial.
930. He is the cleverer of the two.
931. He is the most famous man in the world.
932. He is by far the tallest of all.
933. He is the tallest man I have ever seen.
934. He is younger [older] than I by two years.
935. He is junior [senior] to me by two years.
936. I like oranges better than apples.
937. I prefer oranges to apples.
938. I am superior [inferior] to him in English.
939. It was getting darker and darker.
940. He became more and more unfriendly.
941. She speaks French, much more English.
942. She does not speak English, much less French.
943. The more money he had, the more he wanted.
944. I like him all the better for his faults.
945. The pupil studied all the harder because the teacher praised him.
946. These shoes are none the worse for water.
947. I would rather die than disgrace myself.
948. Nothing is more precious than life.
949. Nothing is so precious as life.
950. Mt. Fuji is higher than any other mountain in Japan.
951. He seems to be as old as I.
952. She is not so beatiful as our mother.
953. He ran as fast as he could (= as fast as possible).
954. Baseball is as popular as ever.
955. He is as great a poet as ever lived.
956. The boy is as clever as any in the village.
957. He is as good as dead.
958. He is as blind as a bat.
959. You might as well throw money into the river as lend it to him.
960. As many as twenty passengers were injured in the accident.
961. This is twice as heavy as that.
962. I have three times as many books [as much money] as he has.
963. He is not half such a coward as we take him for.
964. There are five mistakes in as many lines.
965. The houses were burnt down like so many matchboxes.

Negation 否定
966. Never did I dream of such a thing.
967. I didn't go there, either.
968. There are few [a few] matches in the matchbox.
969. There is little [a little] time left.
970. There are not a few people who can do it.
971. There are few mistakes, if any.
972. He seldom, if ever, goes to church.
973. What he says is not always true.
974. He is not quite a gentleman.
975. I have read none of these books.
976. I have not read all of these books.
977. Both of his parents are not alive.
978. Neither of his parents is alive (=Either of his parents is not alive).
979. Not every man has a car.
980. He is by no means a mean man.
981. He thought of nothing but gold.
982. He is anything but a poet.
983. His explanation is far from satisfactory.
984. He is little better than a beggar.
985. You are not more diligent than he is.
986. You are no more diligent than he is.
987. You are no less diligent than he is.
988. He is not more than twenty years old.
989. He is no more than twenty years old.
990. He has not less than 5,000 yen.
991. He has no less than 5,000 yen.
992. What is important is not so much the job as the way you do it.
993. He cannot so much as write his own name.
994. He went away without so much as saying good-bye.
995. He is too foolish to do that.
996. She was too scared not to say yes.
997. No one can read the book without being deeply impressed.
998. It never rains but it pours.
999. We cannot be too careful of our health.
1000. It was not until you came that I knew your success.
