英文spam その2

送信者Alice A. Walker
件名Norton AntiVirus 2004 - very low price
受信拒否キーワード本文・件名に2バイト以上の文字がない(Spam Mail Killer)
 ところでこれはBIGLOBEのアドレスにきたものだが、あちらのspammerも耳の間のもの少しは使えよ。もし入っているんだったらさ。BIGLOBEのサーバーは“biglobe.ne.jp”、アドレス末尾に“jp”って入ってる人間相手に英語版ソフト売りつけて買う奴いると思ってんのか?日本人のアドレスリストなんか買うなよ。…て、きっと騙されたんだね( ´,_ゝ`)プッ
Get access to all the popular software you need for unbelievably low prices!
Our software is 2-10 times cheaper than sold by our competitors.

Just a few examples:

$80 Windows XP Professional 
$120 Microsoft Office 2003 Professional
$100 Adobe Photoshop 8.0/CS
$50 Norton Internet Security Pro 2004 Professional (Including: AntiVirus + AntiSpam + Firewall)
$180 Macromedia Studio MX 2004 (Including: Dreamweaver MX + Flash MX + Fireworks MX)
$150 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional
$20 Red Hat Linux 7.3

Categories: Business, Internet, Antivirus, Security, etc.
And lots more... Go visit us at: Mirror 1: http://www.********.org Mirror 2: http://www.**********.ws Best regards, Alice A. Walker _____________________________________________________ To be taken off future campaigns, go here: http://www.********.org/uns.htm _____________________________________________________