
He delicately opens a crack one by one to start feel of a material of making a rock garden.
The work to make making a rock garden seems to have been hard.
A solar flare part lets a cone-shaped model emit light and expresses it.
It is my favorite one.

Refraction to transmit of glass was not reflected well at first , and had a hard time.
However, update of timing software to make better was just done, and it was dissolved wonderfully.
All the sky of a sunset makes it by Shade.
Shade is one of software to make computer graphics.


He drew a lighthouse of glass as "a wire".
It is hard to understand at the lighthouse which painted pictures with glass, but a windowpane before a lens is taken off.
Because it is black, and the rear is painted over when He install a windowpane before the lens which emitted light.
This understood that it was dissolved by a change of transmission number of times setting of transmission thing of glass in drawing later.
CG software is profound.