Telescopes and Instruments

Here shows professional telescopes and instruments manufactured by Mitaka Kohki. They are very famous in astronomy, and their equatial mounts are very popular especially for professional and ameture astronomers because of its higher accuracy and stability. Their telescope size aperture are 30cm to over 1 meter diameter.
I stopped by there and took some pictures of telescopes in their factory under their courtesy.

65cm classical cassegrain telescope
Compare me standing by with the scope!! How big it is!!

65cm classical cassegrain telescope
This is a water tank!? NO!! It is the 65cm telescope of the view from the ground. The side scope's aperture is 15cm even.

Solar telescope
It has two 15cm telescopes and four 10cm telescopes for monitoring H-alpher, Calcium, Helium, and Iron images in real time with digital cameras. Interferometer filters' transmittance of those are very sensitive to temperature, so the thermo stabilities regulate filters.

Solar telescope

This looks like a missile launcher on board, doesn't it? Don't push the button for fire! It must be somewhere
