Anti-Blooming Filter on Sale
Anti-Blooming Filter(ABF) is now on Sale from Starizona
1, Extremely quick process
2, Very smooth and natural image after process
3, Not affect non-blooming area
4, No more anti-blooming CCD camera
Applied field
1, Comet search ---- preventing from misdiscovery
2, Novae search ---- preventing from misdicovery
3, Gallery image ---- making beautiful pictures
Following cameras have been confirmed to be removed blooming.
SBIG ST series
Meade Pictor series
Apogee AP series
Here are examples, color images after removed blooming.

Upper : Original image, Lower : Processed with anti-blooming filter
near Antares
A bright star in a image of comet LINEAR ( 2001 A2 )
4th magnitude star, 52 Cyg, nearby Veil nebula
5th magnitude star, 56 Cyg, in Pelican nebula
Attention to the recovered stars that were hided under blooming
2002, June 22nd ( Modified )