humiliation - Babylon English-English
n. mortification, act of lowering someone's pride

humiliation - Babylon English-Japanese
(名) 恥をかかせること; 屈辱

mastermind - Babylon English-English
v. engineer a plan; organize a plot; invent a scheme
n. genius; one who engineers an intricate plan; intellect of a mastermind

mastermind - Babylon English-Japanese
(動) 立案して指揮する
(名) 傑出した知性; 首謀者; すぐれた指導者

snug - Babylon English-English
warm and comfortable, cozy; tight, close-fitting (as of clothing); safe, secure; neat and compact
v. snuggle, curl up comfortably, nestle; make comfortable; secure

snug - Babylon English-Japanese
(形) 居ごこちのよい; こぢんまりした; 気持のよい; ぴったり合う; 不自由のない
(動) きちんとする; きちんと張る

titillate - Babylon English-English
v. excite pleasurably, arouse, stimulate, tickle

titillate - Babylon English-Japanese
(動) 快く刺激する

ominous - Babylon English-English
adj. delivering bad news; foreboding; threatening

ominous - Babylon English-Japanese
(形) 不吉な; 前兆となる