The Monaco Diaries: 3
Le journal de Monaco

Over the 18 days between May 15th and June 1st, I was privileged to conduct my third extensive acupuncture demonstration in Monaco.  This time I brought a special acupuncture bed from Tokyo, and arrived in Monaco equipped and ready to demonstrate the wonders of acupuncture!

Pendant pret de 20 jours, du 15 mai au 1er juin, jfai eu le privilege de mener ma troisieme exposition a Monaco. Cette fois-ci, jfavais amene une table dfacuponcture depuis Tokyo et suis donc arrive a Monaco equipe et pret a demontrer les merveilles de lfacuponcture.

It was 8pm when I arrived after my long flight from Tokyo to Nice via Paris.  My American-made Earthlite bed, specially modified for use in acupuncture, fit perfectly in the trunk of an S-Class taxicab which picked me up at the airport.  Now I was ready to relax in the roomy back seat of the cab and enjoy the wonderful 40minute drive from Nice to Monaco!  Though the hour had reached 9pm, I was surprised to find that it was still light out.  This would never happen in Japan!  As we descended into Monaco on the highway, the beautiful scenery reminded me of the Hakone Turnpike at sunset, one of my favorite roads in Japan.  Following the footsteps of my previous visits, I stopped by the demonstration venue at the Beau-Rivage in order to drop off my acupuncture bed before heading to the Monaco Ville, where I was to be hosted during my stay.  The hour had reached 10pm by now, but there was still plenty of light in the evening sky.

Il etait 20h00 quand je suis arrive, apres mon long vol depuis Tokyo, a Nice, via Paris. La table Earthlite, fabriquee aux Etats-Unis et specialement modifiee pour lfacuponcture trouva sa place dans le coffre du taxi, Classe S, qui etait venu me chercher a lfaeroport. Jfetais alors pret a me detendre a lfarriere, dans les places spacieuses, et apprecia les 40 mn de route pour rejoindre Monaco. Malgre les 21h00, jfai ete surpris de constater qufil faisait encore jour. Impossible au Japon ! Alors que lfon descendait sur Monaco, le paysage me rappelait la route dfHakone, Hakone Turnpike, au couche de soleil, un de mes itineraire preferes au Japon. Suivant les memes traces que mes precedentes visites, je mfarreta a lfendroit de la demonstration au Beau-Rivage afin dfy deposer la table avant de poursuivre la route vers le centre ville, ou je devais rester pendant mon sejour. Lfheure avait atteint 22h00 et il y avait toujours beaucoup de luminosite dans le ciel de fin de soiree.

After a good nightfs rest, I was ready to get to work the following morning.  The busses are wonderful in Monaco, and during my stay I commuted every morning from the Monaco Ville to the Beau-Rivage by bus.  Because some of the patients from my previous visits had advertised the event through invitations and word of mouth, my three week demonstration was filled to capacity with reservations.  There is nothing so uplifting as to be greeted on the first day of a demonstration by the thunderous applause of a full room!

Apres une bonne nuit d repos, jfetais pret a travailler le matin suivant. Les bus monegasques sont fabuleux et jfallais tous les jours du centre ville a Beau-Rivage en bus. Comme certains de mes precedents clients avaient plebiscites lfevenement au travers dfinvitations ou du bouche a oreilles, mes trois semaines de demonstration ont ete remplies au maximum. Il nfy a rien de plus reconfortant que dfetre accueilli au 1er jour par le deferlement dfapplaudissements dfune salle comble.

There was a wide range of patients waiting to be treated at the demonstration, all with different lifestyles, livelihoods and of course, symptoms.  Furthermore, since the duration of my stay was longer this time, each patient was able to undergo several sessions over the period of three weeks.  For example, one of these patients, Mr. Fringant, the Chamberlain of His Highness Prince Albert of Monaco, had suffered for some years from a chronic illness.  I was able to treat him three separate times during my stay.  Mr. Fringant was surprised at the instant results he experienced, and proclaimed how happy he was to feel such great relief for such a long standing and deeply troubling illness.

Il y avait un large panel de patients attendant dfetre traites lors de la demonstration, tous avec des styles de vie et dforigines differents et bien sur des symptomes differents. De plus, comme je suis reste plus longtemps cette fois-ci, chaque patient a pu beneficier de plusieurs sessions sur une periode de 3 semaines. Par exemple, un de ces patients, Mr Fringant, le Chambellan de SAS le Prince Albert de Monaco, souffrait depuis plusieurs annees dfune maladie chronique. Jfai pu le traiter en 3 occasions pendant mon sejour. Mr Fringant fut surpris de lfeffet immediat qufil a ressenti et partagea sa satisfaction du soulagement apporte face a cette longue et penible maladie.

Mr. Jean Pierre of the prominent Pastor family, with tremendous influence throughout the economic sector of Monaco, was also suffering from a chronic symptom.  He returned for two separate treatments and experienced such dramatic improvement in his condition that upon his second visit he brought members of his family to be treated for their various illnesses as well.

Mr Jean Pierre de la famille Pastor, reputee pour avoir une influence importante dans le secteur economique monegasque, souffrait egalement de symptomes chroniques. Il est venu pour 2 sessions separees et beneficia dfune telle amelioration qufil vint accompagner dfautres membres de la famille pour qufils se fassent egalement traiter pour des maux varies.

In addition to such prominent citizens of Monaco, professional performers such as violinists, pianists and ballerinas also came to find relief from the conditions they experienced due to their work.  Treating these professionals reminded me once again how hard they push their bodies in order to attain the quality they seek in their art.  Musicians tended to have trouble in their hands and elbows, while ballerinas had chronic pain in their backs, hips and knees.  These problems were not of the variety that could be treated with surgery, and most of the symptoms were barely being subdued with regular massage treatment and painkiller medication.  These patients were shocked and overjoyed at the immediate relief they felt with acupuncture treatment.  Needless to say, they went home deeply satisfied!

En plus de tels citoyens monegasques, des artistes professionnels tels que des violonistes, pianistes ou encore ballerines vinrent egalement pour trouver soulagement des douleurs ou problemes qufelles enduraient du fait de leur activites. Traiter ces professionnels me rappela a quel point ils poussent leur corps afin dfatteindre la qualite qufils recherchent dans leur art. Les musiciens avait plutot des problemes avec les mains ou les coudes alors que les ballerines avaient des douleurs chroniques dans le dos, les hanches ou les genoux. Ces problemes nfetaient pas de type a etre traites par chirurgie, et la plupart des symptomes etait eliminee par massage et des medicaments anti-douleur. Ces patients furent surpris et particulierement contents du soulagement immediat ressenti avec lfacuponcture. Inutile de dire qufils retournerent chez eux totalement satisfaits.

On the last day of the demonstration, I was honored by Mr. and Mrs. Fringant, who presented me with a photo and medal from His Serene Highness Prince Albert II, The Sovereign Prince of Monaco, who is of course a major sponsor of athletic, artistic and cultural affairs throughout Monaco.

Le dernier jour de la demonstration, je fus honore par Mr et Mme Fringant qui me presenterent une medaille et une photo sa Haute Majeste le Prince Albert II, le souverain de la Principaute de Monaco. Ce dernier est bien sur un sponsor majeur pour les evenements sportifs, artistiques et culturels au sein de la Principaute.

This event reminded me of how strongly the world is seeking medical treatment that does not rely on surgery, and which is not tinged by the dangerous side effects of pharmaceutical medication.  Indeed, there is a palpable movement even within the Western medical system to incorporate more and more Eastern methods of treatment.  Among those who attended the three week acupuncture demonstration, there was a unanimous voice to the effect that, gthough it was their first experience with acupuncture, the degree of relief attained without harmful drugs, even after a single acupuncture session, was so tremendous and instant that they sincerely hope it will be incorporated into the medical system and become the new standard in Western Medicine.h  Of course this has been my longstanding wish as well.  I feel that creating a new global medical standard that incorporates the ancient wisdom of acupuncture is nothing less than my mission in life.  Indeed, it is the subject of my daily effort and passion!

Cet evenement me rappelle a quel point le monde est a la recherche de traitements medicaux qui ne dependent pas de la chirurgie et qui nfont pas de dangereux effets secondaires comme cela peut etre le cas avec une prescription medicamenteuse. Heureusement, il y a un mouvement sensible au sein de la medecine occidentale pour integrer de plus en plus des methodes orientales ou asiatiques. Parmi les patients de cette periode de 3 semaines, il a y un message commun et unanime sur le degre de soulagement, meme sfil sfagit de leur premiere experience, atteint sans prise de medicament, apres meme une seule session dfacuponcture. Le benefice est phenomenal et instantane. Aussi ils esperent que lfacuponcture soit integree dans le systeme medical et devienne un nouveau standard dans la medecine occidentale. Bien sur, ceci est un v?u de longue date pour ma part. Je pense que creer un nouveau standard mondial de medecine qui integrerait le savoir ancestral de lfacuponcture nfest rien autre que la mission de ma vie. Cfest le sujet de mes efforts quotidiens et de ma passion.

I am deeply satisfied with the high standard of exchange that was attained at this third extended acupuncture demonstration in Monaco.  Many people from Monaco, as well as other countries, were able to come and experience the wonderful benefits of acupuncture.

Je suis particulierement satisfait par le haut niveau dfechange atteint lors de cette 3ieme demonstration dfacuponcture a Monaco. Beaucoup de monegasques, ainsi que dfautres nationalites, ont eu lfopportunite de venir et experimenter les fabuleux benefices de lfacuponcture.

I would like to give a special thanks to my patients, whose efforts have made this wonderful event possible for three consecutive years.  In addition, this event could not have happened without the support of Seirin Inc. and Takachiho Medical Inc., to whom I want to express my deepest gratitude.

Je voudrais particulierement  remercier les patients, dont les efforts ont fait de cet evenement possible pendant 3 ans consecutifs. De plus, cela nfaurait pas ete possible sans le support de Seirin Inc et de Takachiko Medical Inc, a qui je veux exprimer ma plus profonde gratitude.

While I am filled with thanks towards everyone who made this event possible, I am also filled anew with a burning motivation to see the incorporation of acupuncture in a new global standard of medicine.

Alors que je suis rempli de reconnaissance et remerciements envers ceux qui rendu cette evenement possible, je suis egalement grechargeh par une motivation brulante de voir lfincorporation de lfacuponcture dans un nouveau standard global de medicine.



Junji Ono

I almost forgot to mention that the Monaco Grand Prix Formula One race was won by Fernando Alonso of the Renault team.  The pleasure and excitement of seeing the race unfold along the Monaco Harbor which lay right below my eyes still remains in my heart and mind as if it were the lingering taste of sublime nectar!

I can not help but wonderc who will win it next year??

Jfai presque oublie de mentionner la victoire de Fernando Alonso, Equipe Renault, au Grand Prix de Monaco de Formule 1. Le plaisir et lfexcitation de voir la course se derouler, au bord du port de Monaco sont aussi vivides que pendant la course. Ces images et ces sons restent encore vibrants dans mon c?ur et a lfesprit!

Je ne peux mfempecher de me demanderc qui va gagner lfannee prochaine ??

To see some photos from this event, please go to the Top Page.
Pour voir quelques photos de cette epreuve, veuillez aller en Haut de la Page.

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