Image ***** .. py:module:: microbit The ``Image`` class is used to create images that can be displayed easily on the device's LED matrix. Given an image object it's possible to display it via the ``display`` API:: .. image:: image-smile.png Classes ======= .. py:class:: Image(string) Image(width=None, height=None, buffer=None) If ``string`` is used, it has to consist of digits 0-9 arranged into lines, describing the image, for example:: image = Image("90009:" "09090:" "00900:" "09090:" "90009") will create a 5×5 image of an X. The end of a line is indicated by a colon. It's also possible to use a newline (\n) to indicate the end of a line like this:: image = Image("90009\n" "09090\n" "00900\n" "09090\n" "90009") The other form creates an empty image with ``width`` columns and ``height`` rows. Optionally ``buffer`` can be an array of ``width``×``height`` integers in range 0-9 to initialize the image. .. py:method:: width() Return the number of columns in the image. .. py:method:: height() Return the numbers of rows in the image. .. py:method:: set_pixel(x, y, value) Set the brightness of the pixel at column ``x`` and row ``y`` to the ``value``, which has to be between 0 (dark) and 9 (bright). This method will raise an exception when called on any of the built-in read-only images, like ``Image.HEART``. .. py:method:: get_pixel(x, y) Return the brightness of pixel at column ``x`` and row ``y`` as an integer between 0 and 9. .. py:method:: shift_left(n) Return a new image created by shifting the picture left by ``n`` columns. .. py:method:: shift_right(n) Same as ``image.shift_left(-n)``. .. py:method:: shift_up(n) Return a new image created by shifting the picture up by ``n`` rows. .. py:method:: shift_down(n) Same as ``image.shift_up(-n)``. .. py:method:: crop(x, y, w, h) Return a new image by cropping the picture to a width of ``w`` and a height of ``h``, starting with the pixel at column ``x`` and row ``y``. .. py:method:: copy() Return an exact copy of the image. .. py:method:: invert() Return a new image by inverting the brightness of the pixels in the source image. .. py:method:: fill(value) Set the brightness of all the pixels in the image to the ``value``, which has to be between 0 (dark) and 9 (bright). This method will raise an exception when called on any of the built-in read-only images, like ``Image.HEART``. .. py:method:: blit(src, x, y, w, h, xdest=0, ydest=0) Copy the rectangle defined by ``x``, ``y``, ``w``, ``h`` from the image ``src`` into this image at ``xdest``, ``ydest``. Areas in the source rectangle, but outside the source image are treated as having a value of 0. ``shift_left()``, ``shift_right()``, ``shift_up()``, ``shift_down()`` and ``crop()`` can are all implemented by using ``blit()``. For example, img.crop(x, y, w, h) can be implemented as:: def crop(self, x, y, w, h): res = Image(w, h) res.blit(self, x, y, w, h) return res Attributes ========== The ``Image`` class also has the following built-in instances of itself included as its attributes (the attribute names indicate what the image represents): * ``Image.HEART`` * ``Image.HEART_SMALL`` * ``Image.HAPPY`` * ``Image.SMILE`` * ``Image.SAD`` * ``Image.CONFUSED`` * ``Image.ANGRY`` * ``Image.ASLEEP`` * ``Image.SURPRISED`` * ``Image.SILLY`` * ``Image.FABULOUS`` * ``Image.MEH`` * ``Image.YES`` * ``Image.NO`` * ``Image.CLOCK12``, ``Image.CLOCK11``, ``Image.CLOCK10``, ``Image.CLOCK9``, ``Image.CLOCK8``, ``Image.CLOCK7``, ``Image.CLOCK6``, ``Image.CLOCK5``, ``Image.CLOCK4``, ``Image.CLOCK3``, ``Image.CLOCK2``, ``Image.CLOCK1`` * ``Image.ARROW_N``, ``Image.ARROW_NE``, ``Image.ARROW_E``, ``Image.ARROW_SE``, ``Image.ARROW_S``, ``Image.ARROW_SW``, ``Image.ARROW_W``, ``Image.ARROW_NW`` * ``Image.TRIANGLE`` * ``Image.TRIANGLE_LEFT`` * ``Image.CHESSBOARD`` * ``Image.DIAMOND`` * ``Image.DIAMOND_SMALL`` * ``Image.SQUARE`` * ``Image.SQUARE_SMALL`` * ``Image.RABBIT`` * ``Image.COW`` * ``Image.MUSIC_CROTCHET`` * ``Image.MUSIC_QUAVER`` * ``Image.MUSIC_QUAVERS`` * ``Image.PITCHFORK`` * ``Image.XMAS`` * ``Image.PACMAN`` * ``Image.TARGET`` * ``Image.TSHIRT`` * ``Image.ROLLERSKATE`` * ``Image.DUCK`` * ``Image.HOUSE`` * ``Image.TORTOISE`` * ``Image.BUTTERFLY`` * ``Image.STICKFIGURE`` * ``Image.GHOST`` * ``Image.SWORD`` * ``Image.GIRAFFE`` * ``Image.SKULL`` * ``Image.UMBRELLA`` * ``Image.SNAKE`` Finally, related collections of images have been grouped together:: * ``Image.ALL_CLOCKS`` * ``Image.ALL_ARROWS`` Operations ========== .. code:: repr(image) Get a compact string representation of the image. .. code:: str(image) Get a readable string representation of the image. .. code:: image1 + image2 Create a new image by adding the brightness values from the two images for each pixel. .. code:: image * n Create a new image by multiplying the brightness of each pixel by ``n``.