(a) Book in Japanese

The Efficiency and Control of the Welfare State - the Economic Thought of Sidney and Beatrice Webb - ,Kyoto, Showado Publications, 2008

(b) Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis in Japanese

1, The Social Reform Scheme of the Webbs in Early Stage: Progress, Efficiency, Liberty and Collectivism, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis No.44, 1999,Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University.

(c) Articles in English

Sidney and Beatrice Webb's Vewpoint on Collectivism: Was it Private or Public Interest? Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Aichi Prefectural University, No.53, 2005, pp.1-20.
The Webbs, Public Administration and the LSE: the Origin of Public Governance and Institutional Economics in Britain, History of Economics Review, No.50, History of Economics Thought Society of Australia, 2009, pp.17-30.
Sidney and Beatrice Webb and the Swedish Welfare State: a Preliminary Consideration, Economic Review of Seinan Gakuin University, Vol.46, No.1-2, 2011, December, pp.227-248.

(d) Papers Read in English at the International Conferences

1, The Webbs, Public Administration and LSE: an Origin of Public Governance and Institutional Economics in Britain, paper presented at HETSA 2008 (History of Economic Thought Society of Australia), Western Sydney University, 13th July 2008.
Theory of the Webbs on National Minimum and the Future of British Economy, paper presented at HETSA2010 (History of Economic Thought Society of Australia), Sydney University, 9th July 2010.

3, Sidney and Beatrice Webb on free trade and national minimum: a proposal of international order for the coming age of welfare states, 4th ESHET-JSHET Joint Conference, Otaru University of Commerce, 13th Sept., 2015

(e) Articles in Japanese: including chapters in books

1, The Webbs on gIndustrial Progressh and Trade Union, Keizai Ronkyu, No.89, 1994, pp.1-28.
2, Historical Background of the Webbs Theory of Trade Unionism, Keizai Ronkyu, No.91, 1995, pp.1-30.
3, The Webbs on Trade Union Reform and Social Legislation : Proposal for gFederationh in Industrial Democracy, Keizai Ronkyu, No.92, 1995, pp.1-30.
4, The Webbs' Social Reform Scheme in Early Stage: Sidney's gLondon Programmeh, Keizai Ronkyu, No.94,1996, pp.62-85.
5, S. &B. Webb on Trade Unionism and Social Reform, Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought, No.34, 1996 ,pp.65-76.
6, Making of the Webbs' Theory of National Minimum and its Historical Background, Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Aichi Prefectural University,No.46,1997,pp.1-25.
7, Beatrice Potter(Webb)on Consumer's Co-operative Movement :gCo-operative Movement in Great Britainh(1891)in Relation to the Webbs' Social Reform Scheme, Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Aichi Prefectural University,No.47,1998,pp.1-25.
8, The Webbs on Progress, Efficiency, Liberty and gCollectivismh: around Their Early Works, Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.1,No.1,1999,pp.1-16
9, The Webbs on Free Trade and National Minimum, Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.2, No.1, 2000, pp.1-13
10, The Webbs on Social Evolution and Collectivism: A Plan of the Welfare Society at the Turn of the 19-20th Centuries, Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.3,No.1,2001,pp.1-14.
11, A History of the Social Policy Thought in Britain: on Poverty and Unemployment in the Early 20th Century, Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought, No.2001, pp.13-23.
12, The Webbs on Social Evolution and Social Reform; Market, Associations and the State, in OKAMURA KUMA and AKITA eds., The Evolution of Social and Economic Thought and Community, Minerva Books, pp.32-35, 2003
13, The Webbs on "control of Industry" and WW I, Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Aichi Prefectural University,No.52, pp.1-28
14, The Webbs on Social Policy and Local Administration; "Minority Report"(1909) and "Grants in Aid"(1911) in AKITA ed. Locality as Environment, Koyo Shobo, pp.27-48, 2005
15, The Webbs on the Institutional Designing of Social Democracy; Efficiency and Incentive in "The Constitutions for the Socialist Commonwealth in Great Britain"(1920), Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.7 pp.1-11
16, The Scheme for "Progress" of the Webbs; the opposition to Beveridge over the Unemployment Policy, in ATSUSHI KOMINE ed. Economic Thought of the Welfare State, NAKANISHIYA SHOBO, 2006, pp.79-107
17, Social Policy Thought of Bernard & Helen Bosanquet - Social Philosophy of C.O.S. and Social Work - , Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Aichi Prefectural University, No.55, pp.1-18
18, Long Term Care Insurance and National Minimum: a Simulation of Care Cost to Income Classes of Public Pension Household, Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.9, July, 2007, pp.1-14.
19, A Social Theory of the Welfare State in the Making - Beatrice Webb's 'Applied sociology' and Herbert Spencer, Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Aichi Prefectural University, No.56, 2007, pp.1-26.
20, The Basic Problems of Social Security Finance in Japan: In terms of Budgetary Reform and Inequality among Generations, Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.10, July, 2008, pp.1-12.
21, The Webbs on 'National Efficiency' - Free Trade, National Minimum and the LSE - ,
summary , History of Economic Thought, The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Though, Vo.50, 2008, No.1, pp.23-40, received young scholars award of Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought in 2009
22, From Co-operative Movement to Public Governance - The Webbs on Public Sphere -, in Makoto, OHNO ed. The Public Sphere in Modern Britain, 2009, Showado.
23, Dutch Model and the Social Security Reform in Japan - from Work Sharing to Work-Life Balance, Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.11, July, 2009, pp.1-14.
24, The Webbs and the Swedish Model: from "National Efficiency" to Rehn- Meidner Model, Social Welfare Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, Vol.12, July, 2010, pp.1-11.
25, The Webbs' National Minimum Theory in the History of Economic Thought, in Nishizawa T., Komine, A. eds., The Economic Thought and the Welfare State in its Early Stage, Minerva Books, 2013.
26, Economic and Social Policy Thought of L.T.Hobhouse, Economic Review of Seinan Gakuin University, Vol.49, No.4, 2015.

(f) Book Reviews in Japanese

Richard Toye, The Labour Party and the Planned Economy 1931-1951, The Royal Historical Society, Woodridge, The Boydell Press, 2003, xii+268pp, History of Economic Thought, The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Though, 2005, Vol.47, pp.112-114.