アリゲーターガー(Alligator gar)
(Atractosteus spatula)
生息地 : ミシシッピ川水系
最大全長 : 200cm以上
Habitat : The Mississippi River
Maximum entire length : More than 200cm
飼育データ (Breeding data)
水槽(tank) : 300×60×60cm
(Water temperature : About an average 25 degrees during year)
(Filtration system:overflow type)
エサの種類 (Food)
コイのエサ(Food of fancy carp)
冷凍アジ (Frozen horse-mackerel)
煮干し (Dried small sardine)
エサの与え方 (How
to give food)
20cmを超えてからは、徐々に人工飼料に慣らし、量も制限していく。 我が家の日常管理としては、コイのエサや煮干し、冷凍アジを与ええている。(This
fish gives food fully at the time of juvenile because a body turns by the
nutrition difficulty when food is restricted in the growing period. After
the fish exceeds 20cm, you accustom to artificial foods gradually, and
the quantity is also restricted. Carp food and frozen horse-mackerel are
being given as a daily treat in my house.)
混泳 (Keeping with other
this fish is gentle, you can keep it with the large fish such as arowana,
Siam tiger fish, catfish etc.Care should be taken since plecostomus
may licks the body surface of gar which movement is generally dull in a
飼育上の留意点 (A notice
point in breeding)
成長が早いので、大型水槽が必要である。 また、体が固いため、奥行きの十分ある水槽が好ましい。
As this fish grows quickly, a large water tank is necessary. And, because
a body is stubborn, the water tank which depth is fully in is desirable.)