Equipments for Astrophotography
Optics :
Mitaka GNF-65 F/12.0
Celestron C11 F/10.0
Meade SN-10 F4.0
ZEN Baker-Schmidt camera 20cm F2.0
Celestron C-8 F/10.0
JSO 16cm Schmidt camera F/2.5
JSO 12.5cm Wright-Schmidt F/3.8
Miyauchi Bj-100iBF, 10cm Apochromat binoculars
Canon 15x50mm binoculars with Stabilizer
Mount :
Mitaka GN-30
Mitaka GNS-26
Takahashi NJP
Takahashi EM-200
Celestron Ultima 2000
CCD Camera :
Apogee AP2Ep (KODAK KAF-1602E 1.5M pixels)
SBIG ST-1001E (KODAK KAF-1001E 1.0M pixels)
SBIG STL-11000XM (KODAK KAI-11000M 11.0M pixels)
SBIG ST-7XE (KODAK KAF-402ME 0.4M pixels) with AO-7
BITRAN BJ-40L (Sony ICX419 0.4M pixels)
Comment : Mitaka is a leading company of telescope maker and making professional telescopes or mounts.
They used to offer a German mount, GN-170, for amateure astronomers, but now do large telescopes for professional ones.
The upper image is of GNF-65 telescope, 65cm Classical Cassegrain on Folk mount, and its mirror accuracy is
within 1/60 lamda, and its tracking error of stars is within +/- 1 arc-second.
Mail to me
December 16th, 2003